Throttle sticking

Take it apart again.

This is what happened to mine. I finally found a scratch on the needle after a few sticks and scares. I replaced it and it happened again. Scary. Needle had same scratch. Something had got into the needle jet and damaged it. I had to replace the carb insert.

Ironically my road race bike jammed the throttle a few weeks later resulting in various operations and much non riding time. Throttle assembly damage bits getting stuck.
Not sure if this has been mentioned in other posts, but my 2013 went WOT a couple of times on a weekend trip.
Got home and cleaned carb and replaced cable.
Rode last Sunday, same thing happened, and I bailed out of the ride.
Rechecked tonight and examined the white plastic collar at the end of the Spring.
I hadn't noticed it had a small "tang" that sits in the groove of the nut that holds the needle.
Re seated this and hopefully this cures the problem...

If the white plastic retainer being out of position had allowed the jet needle to get out of place (bounced up, making it too short), it could have pulled the needle completely out of the needle jet, which could have kept the slide from returning to the bottom if it didn't go back into the hole on its way back down.

Several years ago, I took a GG bike in to work on for a customer. The owner had just bought the bike and the throttle was hanging wide open about half the time after a hard/quick wide open throttle application.
I found that the previous owner had installed a "shorter than normal" jet needle. Under smooth WFO application, everything worked fine; but when the throttle was "snapped" wide open, the needle was getting pulled completely out of the needle jet, and didn't always go back into the jet when I backed off the throttle. It made for some interesting times until I found the problem.

Not reading all replies, but my experience of this happening a few times, was due to my preference of having too much slack in the throttle cable.
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Happened again ....
Mixed woods / open fields riding, luckily ? Happened on field section
Gonna have another look ,
Confidence in bike a bit low...
Epic otherwise

Stuck throttle

I replace my cables with the 2" longer ktm cable it threads in at both ends can't pull out works great
Have you taken almost all the slack out and made sure the cable isn't catching anywhere?

Not touched bike since weekend (apart from quick clean)
Gonna get carb out and inspect / clean, also check reeds.
Got motion pro cable on order

Did Google search and seems to be an orange prob as well.

Problem is killing riding confidence at the mo...

I haven't had it happen to mine since I got out of the habit of enjoying too much slack. Can only be a mechanical niggle, take everything apart, clean and lubricate.
Not touched bike since weekend (apart from quick clean)
Gonna get carb out and inspect / clean, also check reeds.
Got motion pro cable on order

Did Google search and seems to be an orange prob as well.

Problem is killing riding confidence at the mo...


This happened to me on my GG 200 and scared the be-jeebus out of me in a race. What I found was that the cable GG uses is pretty awful. The end of the cable at the perch would pull away from the perch but wouldn't want to come back again. Safety wiring the cable to the perch helped my confidence a tad during the race, but not enough to have a good race. I fixed the problem 100% with the Motion Pro cable. I think that will be the ticket for you. Although I didn't have this problem with my '13 GG 300, I will be immediately replacing this cable on future Gassers just as a precaution if they continue to use that same cable. My husband broke his back due to a stuck throttle, so it's not something I mess around with.
So any kind of pattern to the wot? Seems like a cable issue is most likely the bike that I have had its throttle stick and sized the motor. Not to keen to start it unil I can find some kind of cause. I Had only heard of 4 stokes sucking the slide open on a flat slide with out a push pull cable. But never on a 2 stroke other than the bark buster catching the throttle.
So any kind of pattern to the wot? Seems like a cable issue is most likely the bike that I have had its throttle stick and sized the motor. Not to keen to start it unil I can find some kind of cause. I Had only heard of 4 stokes sucking the slide open on a flat slide with out a push pull cable. But never on a 2 stroke other than the bark buster catching the throttle.

That's the thing , there was no pattern to the prob at all.
In fact first thought it might even have been cause by arm pump / cramp
But last time it happened it was at the early stages of the ride.
I see that I never posted a follow up on this site for the issue with my friends 200. As it turns out, the bike was jetted very rich in the 1/4 to 1/2 throttle range and the hanger for the two floats were bent uneven. Under heavy bumps the bike would lean out and approach the proper air fuel ratio. The bike would get "Happy" and the difference in engine performance was very disproportionate to the throttle input.
Still, take the needle out and inspect for scratches. Took me ages to figure out but when the next needle got stuck and scratched Ifigured the jet was causing it. Bloody scary and I've spent a long time broken and ended road racing as a result of stuck throttle (was the actual bar throttle jamming with debris in that case).
Motion pro cable arrived , and have to say, top quality bit of kit
Secured both ends , and vastly superior to standard cable
And also venhill cable that it replaces
Had carb out checked main jet and needle both looked fine.
Slide had slight wear , but no edges
Reeds looked good also
Fingers crossed !
Would definatly add motion pro cable to your upgrade
Hope that works well. I bought one and was very happy with it. Until the throttle stuck again. But they are much better.