Went down hard - out for the year (pics)


New member
Raced the 00 GG250 for the first time this year last weekend after practice, prep. work, etc. Was racing the 04 GG200, but wanted to give it a break as some sand races were coming up where more power would be nice.

The bike handled great, had a very good start and was riding in the top 5 most of the day until the last lap about 1 1/2 hrs in.


Then the bad.... Was coming up on a steep, tight down hill that i had no probs on all day. Came up on it 2 fast, chopped my rear brake to hard at the start of the down hill and it locked the rear. The bike was sliding out sideways so I let off to correct but by then was at the steepest, roughest part. The bike corrected but was to late as I sped down the hill at a very high speed.
Ended up flipping over the bars and the bike slammed on me like a fly swatter.
The result was a broken femur on my upper right leg :( It was quite a bit of pain as I laid on ground until marshals showed. I was on a helicopter about 1 hr later being pumped with morphine.


I am back home now and am starting to build back up, but I think I'll be off a bike for a while. :mad:
So sorry to here of your injury. Hang tough and heal fast.

I've sent the below link to a couple of riders that have suffered your injury. If you haven't seen it, it will you really crack you up. Hope it doesn't hurt "only when you laugh," or you will be in for a lot of pain....

Brian Regan "Emergency Room and Broken Femurs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP4zgb9H3Cg
man i feel for you brother, never a nice thing to here a rider getting seriously hurt like that. heel fast and keep your chin up bro:)
Whoa.:eek: Femur is serious stuff. Good luck, heal fast. Lots of calcium and as much rehab as you can stand.
Rider Down

If you need assistance please contact Rider Down at http://www.riderdown.org/forum/index.php click on the 'injured, need help?' tab and fill out the forms. They offer anything from financial, emotional, to help dealing with doctors & insurance. Our Almosta Race that we do every year (13th one coming up)supports them and they are good people who ride and understand what you can be going through. Good luck and get well!
Hoosier Down!

Dude, I am really sorry to hear about your bad luck! I hope you aren't in too much pain. I was going to look you up at the next MAXC race, But now it looks like next year. If there's anything I can do to help... please let me know.
Byost, fellow Hoosier.