Well, kinda funny, cause my KTM also started to bug couple of days ago. But if both coils have gone, thats one bit of a coincident
I am kinda sick of this.
Correct settings on the voltage meter is 2k on "ohm"? Both showed around 10.85
Sounds like most things have been suggested and checked, the only thing i'll add is regarding the reeds.
You say in your opening post you changed 2 of the 4 petals. I recently had similar issues where it wouldnt rev out cleanly in the powerband / sputtering at higher rpm. I changed and checked a few things, but it wasnt until I changed reeds (all of them) that it went away.
Not sure why you only changed 2 (perhaps the other 2 looked ok?), but apart from a tiny little chip in the corner of one petal on mine, they all looked fine. Maybe the two you didnt change are giving you problems?
You said the bike runs fine for 15 minutes then bogs? Then it can only be electrical. It's a very common symptom of a failing coil somewhere or cdi,run well cold, but something expands and shorts or disconnects the circuit somewhere...
Had the bike in parts, for new bearings, gaskets, sprockets, oil, etc.
after the rebuild, I fired up and took it on a 45min run. 15min out of the 45min, it started to bog as usual.
As Neil said, I am guessing its a bad connection somewhere.
Does someone have a picture of the wiring to the cdi box / ie. from the stator? As I said in page 2 here, I think previous owner had it wired wrong.
Fuel runs freely, and nothings clogged. Ive got a lot to do these times, so i am going to the shed when I got the time for it.
Personally, I would run it with the gas cap loose just to confirm that's it's not gas vent related.