WTF facebook market

Facebook, along with set screws, 3D printing for structural parts, and powerwashers, is a tool of the devil. I avoid it like the plague.

Sorry you were burnt. That sucks.
What happened Stoby? Tell us more!!

I haven't bought anything from there. I have sold a few things (in person and by mail) and gave a few things away too.
I’m from Rhode Island. FB marketplace has been an absolute crap shoot. Can’t get anybody to respond to you, selling 1994 models for 3k and if you have a time to go check it out say around 4 they Text you at 11am and say “oh sorry sold it this morning”. Well thanks dude. Honestly, as sketchy as craigslist would be sometimes, I miss it.
I had a hell of a time finding a bike in the last 2 months. I'm in north east pa, and the bike market has been hit this season. I missed alot if good deals, and everything else was over priced due to the stimulus checks. I ended up driving to Maryland to buy my 2011 ec250.

Forget trying to buy a kids bike, I paid like $200 for my sons pw80 than I would if liked, but I couldn't leave him hanging