I keep reading of the NEDH needle being used in these bikes. What are the advantages of it over the stick needle?
3mm/.3mm? Squish clearance/Float height/Carb size/Reeds - Might not just be jetting.
JD Red is kind of comparable, but not. Both 3 tapers, both start around the same diameter. Obviously taper profiles have some variances.
Danj56,Did you notice a difference in power and when it came on between the two pipes?
Only a slight diffrence at this point but actually like the stock pipe better. I'll see when I sort the jetting out. I'm picking up a diffrent slide (#7) this weekend from a freind and see what that gets me
a mate took delivery of his "new" 2011 ec200 six days this morning. Fork me! This bikes rips. I will definitely be looking at what settings this bike is running.
Let us know what's in there