2010 Gas Gas Six Days 300 (Help)


"What if you/they disconnected the PV rod, and temporarily safety wired the PV fully open to eliminate the actuation question? The bike should run flat down low, then hit like a truck and rip on top."

Does Gas Gas have porting that works differently than other bikes/brands? Had KTM 200 with broken eccentric cam on their PV system and biek ran great on bottom had no top after 50-60% rev. It would pop, and bang and feel like over rich jetting.

May have nothing to do with this problem but just wondering?



My logic here is to eliminate a PV operating problem that would limit top end. By manually holding and verifying the PV full open, independent of the governer, the flapper and drum valves would now not be a problem. Of course this will have an adverse effect on low end but its a temporary procedure.
New Motor and carb on the way

It was confirmed today Gas Gas Spain will waranty the motor, I am guessing I should see the motor in a couple of weeks. That's customer service, I would like to thank the following people who listened to the problems and stood behind the products they represent. They either worked on the bike by spinning the wrenches or behind the scenes for hours and hours to deliver total customer satisfaction. Clay importer, Rod just a nice guy who transported the bike, Dave and Wade of Central Kentucky Cycle, Dale previous importer, Mark Go Fasters and last bu not least Adrian of Lewisport.

All the trouble shooting tips from the many members on the forum who really tried to help out.

I would like to ask the members of the forum to join me in thinking these guys for a job well done. I have met a couple of guys personally but have never had the opportunity to meet them all but hopefully one day I will have the chance to meet them and shake their hand.

Really, thanks guys and if there is anything you would need me to do for the support of the brand just ask.
I'll go with the ghost on this one; thanks guys. I am glad they all worked with you trying to figure out what the problem was and on getting you a new motor. I do hope they figure out what the problem was.
Good to hear mate and a very big positive for the GasGas name and support.
I think this will be rewarded by buyers that may have previously been sceptical.
Well done guys,
Six Days Motor

Just wanted to let everyone on the forum know that Gas Gas Spain shipped a new motor and I received this week. I ve been under the weather this week so I dont know if I will make it to the enduro down in Alabama. Hopefully I will be able to switch out the engines this week end or early next week. Thanks for all the help Clay, Mark and Adrian. I will be purchasing a 200 shortly and will let everyone know. I am a GAS GAS customer for now on, they really stand behind their product.