This is a coke versus pepsi argument.
Sorry - but I had a 300 and it was stall proof once it was dialed in. I did notice some things along the way that could easily give someone the wrong impression on the power delivery.
The bike used to be delivered with an fmf gnarly pipe - it provided the most power on the bottom, but it wasn't very linear and would yank and spin more than other pipes I had. I rode back to back - same day, same trail the following pipes : messico, doma, fmf gnarly and motowest.
The doma was the smoothest on the bottom and easiest to ride - it also screamed on top. This pipe, I believe, is most similar to the current oem pipe. The gnarly would yank, spin and stall. To be fair, I would gear completely differently for these two pipes - and I use them just to illustrate the point that setup has as much to do with ride-ability of the 300 in tight situations as does the inherent characteristics of the bike itself. I would gear the gnarly piped bike taller to spread the power out more and reduce the "yank".
The other issues is jetting - back in '01 the bikes came with the n1ef needle and a lean pilot - this leads to "pulling over" on the carb - so it will burble in the transition off the very bottom and then "yank" when it cleared out. The dealer near me called this "the lurch". Things go round to the beginning and the bikes are now coming with an n1ef needle again...
Les set me up with an old honda trials throttle he had lying around (the g2 would do fine as well), dialed in the jetting, I switched to a doma pipe, lowered the gearing a tad and I was in a state of pure bliss.