A simple turn of the idle screw may help a bit.
I would not try to use the mixture screw to set the idle speed.
Fuel quality plays a major factor too. I try to run 50/50 race gas and pump swill.
Hello gasgasman,
as I wrote, I do not set the mixture screw (Klicker) to adjust idle speed, but to adjust immediate return to idle after open throttle.
Of course I first tried to adjust the SC exactly as described in the manual. That left me with a stalling engine - always.
For the fuel I expect some influence, but no unadjustable problems, when using standard pump fuel that works with other Carb on same Bike and all my other bikes.
I will follow siaknijustin advice and see KTM-Talk too.
Thank both of you for your answers!

Best regards, Erhard