broken clavicle

Okay...been some time since I updated. I still have no feeling around my shoulder area. It is just the skin and it isn't bad but I can "feel" it. What really hurts is when my daughter puts her chin on my collarbone. Man I see stars! The skin is really sensitive. I also tried push-ups the other day and boy was that a weird feeling.

okay...some fun stuff...what I have been doing this winter.

Pittsburg, NH




If I had the room for a sled trailer I'd get a couple for sure. My wife loves them even more than I do. Awesome pics!

All you describe as far as the shoulder is par for the course. I have a 67 lb pitbull with a head like a fuzzy rock, imagine what that feels like when it bumps into the plate.
Great pics. Thx for sharing.

Have you ever been up North of the border?

Yes. Not BC but it was Canada. We were trying to backpack from Coleman State Park in NH to Montmagny but my buddy got us really lost. I had been telling him "this doesn't feel right"...West when we should have been going north. Finally, we found some French speaking guy and made him point on the map. We were almost in Vermont! So we cut the ride short and headed for La Guadeloupe, Quebec. It was still an awesome ride and we did 580 miles of riding in two days. 260 miles Weds(11 hours)(slowed by many mini-blizzards of wet snow), 320 miles Thurs(12 hours). We even pissed off a large moose in NH.



If I had the room for a sled trailer I'd get a couple for sure. My wife loves them even more than I do. Awesome pics!

All you describe as far as the shoulder is par for the course. I have a 67 lb pitbull with a head like a fuzzy rock, imagine what that feels like when it bumps into the plate.

You always have What you need is an inline 2 place trailer for the bikes. Then just switch them in the winter for the sleds. OR...get a camp. I'm lucky. I can leave from my back yard and ride to Canada...if I want.
Good Grief, they are some beautiful pictures but it's hard to believe we are on the same planet. We are long term planning to go tour Canada on road bike, but not in winter. Maybe seeing those I could convince the wife we could go in winter. . . Nah she'd never go for it. Cold?!!

My shoulder area feels great, I can lie on my RHS for the first time, I can take weight now & am doing hand-weights to build up strength. Apparently it will take a few weeks to fill in the holes the screws left so I'm holding off racing or dirt-riding till April, but have a few rides planned then while we still have good weather down here. Poor bike, I last rode it Jan 2009. Done a few ks on the Tiger of late though.
Thanks! Cold...what is that??? All in the gear you have on. I love it in northern New Hampshire!

I'm going to having the plate removed. Yes, I know...I need to be careful and allow time for the wholes to fill in. I think having it removed will help with some of the pulling and the pinching I get from my kid hitting it.
Nice pics steve!!
Hope the head is doing well....
F5 the mountain pics are in New Hampshire not cananda.

Depends on who you ask about my head. My wife didn't even want me to ride but I couldn't resist...or maybe she was sick of me talking about riding.

Yes, only the last two pics are in Canada.
Now thats my idea of winter adventure! Very cool. I just dropped coin on a new Tundra Crewmax truck so sleds are doubtful in the near future. But wait..I'll just borrow and spend, and pay $.60 on the dollar as settlement, if the govt can do it why can't I?:mad:
Quick update.

Shoulder area is still sensitive to touch but not as bad as it was. Maybe I'm toughening up. Push-ups feel strange but I can do them. Other then that...I'm good. The scare looks good...see pic. I'm still going to have the plate removed next March.


  • collarbone June 28th 2010 with plate.JPG
    collarbone June 28th 2010 with plate.JPG
    38.1 KB · Views: 17

Looks better than mine that was cut three times! My scar looks longer as I have the biggest (ten hole) plate. The skin on the very front of my shoulder outward of the edge of the plate is still about 30% numb, but its no big deal and I never notice it. By next March, you will be even more used to it and say why bother. Right now you are likely where I was a year ago when I was cleared, and I can tell you with certanty that you are still in the later stages of healing and things will feel even better and more natural in a few more months.

A good indication of how your body is adjusting is how comfortable you are throwing a baseball. This was still somewhat uncomfortable and awkward (more awkward than normal as I really suck at field sports) even after I started riding again. I played catch with my son, threw balls for the dog a lot and think the motion really helped break down scar tissue/loosen things up and get total comfort back. I have not asked the Doc about this its just a guess on my part.

When you gettin' a new scooter?

Yes, the skin is numb on the front side of my shoulder. Maybe 3" diameter and ending just just below my collarbone. No feeling right on the collarbone but sensitive if lightly touching. Fine if pushing hard and not on the plate. It has only been 9 months since the plate was installed. I'm sure it'll feel better by next year.

I would throw and ball around but that will not help that side...I'm right handed. :D I do feel the awkwardness you mentioned. I can also feel my shoulder tighten up if I sit to long at the PC...just need to move it around some.

No new scoot for me any time soon. Maybe in 2012 when things "change"...I "hope". ;) Seriously...I'm going to hold off for another year...year and half. But...that may change. I may pick up a new or new to me mtn. bike in a month or so. I'm getting porky. LOL

When you picking up a sled? ;)
Sounds like you need more PT, shouldn't be tight from sitting at this point. If you go to a gym focus more on shoulder specifics. Doc Mark had me do that from day one with just a water bottle, pushing the limits of ROM. I guess its a little different being its not your dominant arm.

Sled? I have a big storage problem. You should see my garage. Five bikes plus benches, tools, gear etc in a SINGLE bay garage. I need a bigger house but the market sucks, couldn't sell last year, neighbors can't sell this year. I'll try again in a couple years, hopefully the socialist will get booted and things will turn around. My wife says I can get what I want when we get a new and bigger house, a sled would be an easy sell as she likes them.
The physio told me to pinch at the scar. Fold & roll. Helps pull the scar away from the muscles etc under the skin. Isn't pleasant, do it in the shower. Acts like normal skin after a short while.

I've been concentrating on the parts of movement that were problems. For me I can hold my arms straight up but further back was a drama. Physio tried some Dry Needling to release a few muscles at upper bicep (whatever its called). Helped a bit.

Lying on the ground I found there was areas that I was weak or sore. I work on trying bit by bit to get movement & working there. It has been really successful. I think I'll make 100% recovery if I keep at this, probably 95% now & this was having not raised my arm past 45deg for a year.

Two of my DRZ riding mates have just bought GasGas. Haha. But I rode the 300 & my 200 may have to get upgraded when some money comes together.

Good luck.
"Fold & roll" thanks! That just creeps me out. The scar isn't the problem. It is more in my under pectoral area. Right at the crease where the peck meets the shoulder. That's the numb/sensitive area. This is why it feels weird some times when I reach out and when lifting objects at funny angles. I can do it but it is strange feeling.

Glad to hear that you are also coming along.