broken clavicle

Good luck, brother. If he fixed your brother, he'll fix you. The plate is the way to go.


Now were talkin'. He sounds like a straight shooter. Most orthos havn't done as many as Dr. Mark because Dr. Mark works primarily on extreme athletes, not field sport guys, and this is a commmon injury for us. Are you getting a bone graft done? Your hip, leg, or a synthetic? INFUSE morphegenic protein?

Whats good in your case is there are no shattered fragments visable like mine was, you just have a big displacement. I would expect it to go back together clean.

If your not squeamish, watch the video on Dr. Marks site. You will see that the plate is a system with drill guides that thread in to prevent drilling too deep. I would not worry. Good Luck!:)

Now were talkin'. He sounds like a straight shooter. Most orthos havn't done as many as Dr. Mark because Dr. Mark works primarily on extreme athletes, not field sport guys, and this is a commmon injury for us. Are you getting a bone graft done? Your hip, leg, or a synthetic? INFUSE morphegenic protein?

Whats good in your case is there are no shattered fragments visable like mine was, you just have a big displacement. I would expect it to go back together clean.

If your not squeamish, watch the video on Dr. Marks site. You will see that the plate is a system with drill guides that thread in to prevent drilling too deep. I would not worry. Good Luck!:)

The Doctor said that he'll know more on what really needs to use after he gets in there. He said I may not need one at all. We will see. IF I need a bone graft it will be from my tibia. He makes about 3/8" X 3/8" size spot for getting the bone. He did mention there was a synthetic that can be used. I guess there are many ways to do it. He even mentioned that they could use deceased peoples bones and grinding them up and using that as a backing type material. Nasty! I'm really not sure what they use for a protein. Is one better then the other? My buddy works for Pfizer and said I'm in good handles if they use I'm scared. LOL
Sorry dude, I did say IF your not squeamish! That stuff does not bother me at all.

Dr. Mark is the only one I have heard of doing the tibia bone graft, so if this guy does it thats good, he's up to date of procedure as its less painful than the hip. I checked orthopedic reference material, and it is an established procedure, not some voodoo. The synthetic is the least desirable, your own bone is best. Your own bone is also cheapest, some of that synthetic is big bucks$$. There are several proteins, the INFUSE is just one. Yeah, if your bone is able to be reduced tightly before the plate is screwed down, perhaps you don't need one at all.

Good luck today with the surgery. Hopefully everything goes well, this guy knows what he's doing and you can finally be on the road to a proper recovery:) Lots more turkey runs waiting for you to try out next year, even a National enduro in Maine if you feel inspired (no time keeping needed):D
The big day!

I can't eat until everything is done. :mad: I'm a little nerves but I know I'm in good hands. I do hate the fact I have to be in sling again. That thing has been killing me. My fingers and hand have been numb for a couple of days now. My shoulder blade is been very very sore. I'm hoping all this will go away after I get the plate. I need to be at the docs at 1:30. Surgery around 3. Then I get to sleep over fun. :( It is probably better that I stay over. I'm hoping to be discharged Tuesday late morning.

I'm think they'll notice if I eat? :D
Thats different, all three of my surgeries have been the out patient type, walked out just a couple hours after waking up, stopped for Mexican food with my wife on the way home. In Houston I was lifting beers with the arm with Robby and Girard the next night. I guess if they have the space and its a late surgery why not. I think that the sling is an eaiser way for the doc to keep you from re-injuring yourself by limiting movement rather than trust and explanation, as you will feel good enough to use the arm more than you should in a few days. Dr. Mark's PT guy just shows you exactly what movements you can and cannot do, and you do not need a sling, but you better do as instructed! Whats real important is not to fall down, or instinctively use that arm to catch yourself and/or break a fall. I came home to snow and ice so just walking outside scared the crap out of me for awhile. Just set yourself up so this is not a problem, like keeping kids toys off the floor. Good Luck, get back to us when you get home!;)
I'm out! Every thing went fine. I am home now and feel kind of out of it, but it's the pain meds they tell me. The plate is the the acumed but the doc had to put it more on the front of the bone then the top. The doctor said that my bones had started to come together but majorly curved. The doc cleaned the new growth of and was able to use it for the graft. The bump is gone and I have to wear the sling for two weeks. I can take my arm out but can only use from my elbow down. No lifting and no upper shoulder movement for now. I have a follow up on the 17th. I'm so glad the plate was installed! The doc did say he could go in and remove it in about 8 months. He said we just need to see. 8 months put me at June...Classic is then. I may have to wait. :D Glenn, thanks for sharing your wisdom. I owe you!

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Hey Steve you made it!

Glad everything went well. My plate is more front mounted as well. When I flex a certain way you can see it pretty clear as there is not much meat there. Lets see some pics when you get them. Pretty conservative post op, like my first doc. It just makes your shoulder stiffer when he lets you move. Just follow instructions.

Oh, IMO, forget about having it removed unless it REALLY bothers you. It shouldn't unless your real skinny. As time goes by its much less noticable. Mine is staying in. Get a Zoombang shirt, its like a tight underarmor shirt with thin gel pads over the shoulder/clavicle area. If a backpack strap bothers you this works great. Riding gear has been no problem for me, just a heavy pack in a T shirt.

What does hurt, is when my 60 lb pitbull head butts me in the shoulder when playing.:eek:

Welcome to the Ti hardware club!;)
In addition to the Zoombang stuff you could look into some rugby padding as well and maybe save some coin. Check here for some ideas and click the Protection link. They are right here in RI.
While your healing and comming to terms with the plate under your skin, you tend to think the worst and that everything will bother it. I had all kinds of ideas to pad the CP and cammelback straps as I was sure they would be a problem. As time goes by and you don't dwell on it as much, and try on your gear again, these worries disappear.
Sorry guys been out of the Gas Gas loop for awhile.

Glenn how did the healing go?

Steve best of luck. You eastern guys are a tough bunch.

I am going to dust the cob webs off of ole faithful and school Girard yet once again. LOL
Hey Robby good to hear from you, I'll give you a call soon. I'm all healed up good. Took awhile to get some speed back in the faster sections. Leaves are all off the trees now covering the rocks and its getting dangerous. This is the start of the long winter, wish I could spend some of it riding in TX with you guys.
Hey Robby good to hear from you, I'll give you a call soon. I'm all healed up good. Took awhile to get some speed back in the faster sections. Leaves are all off the trees now covering the rocks and its getting dangerous. This is the start of the long winter, wish I could spend some of it riding in TX with you guys.

C'mon down Glenn we would love to have you.

My number has changed so I will PM you my new number.

I haven't been here for a while, no point really as haven't been able to get on a dirtbike due to a broken clavicle, so a bit depressing looking at what others are doing.

Mine was 1 feb & it didn't heal so went the plate path after a lot of waiting time. Mine was quite near the shoulder & is a over & under the joint type affair so it has to come out. I think they leave some in if they are more amidship.

So I'll miss another summer riding season here (southern hemisphere).

Glad to hear things are going well. Recoup may take some time I hate to say. Get some physio work to get the joints & muscles working as soon as you're allowed. My op was 4 mths ago & I'm now back at near full movement & strength (in last 2-3 weeks), but I still have pain, I can ride roadbikes but not dirt yet.

Every op & recovery is different so hope it goes fast.