broken clavicle

Let us know what Dr. Mark's opinion is. If he thinks U should still go ahead with the plating, can U insist this other Dr. to ok it? After all, it's your body.
Same old crap. My first doc said the same thing, if it was his shoulder he'd leave it alone and not plate it a second time. Yeah, the ends of my clavicle had fuzz between them on the XRay, but that ended up being fiberous scar tissue that was like a cartlidge, and the bone moved constantly. He dosesn't want surgery because he probably hasn't done many, especially with a bone graft. Even if it does heal, it will not be straight. Search on TT, Dr. Mark makes reference to a study in a medical journal recently done that concludes the surgical approach yields better results.

This is a preview of whats in store for more of us if that Ahole Obama gets his way. Sorry, I really hate that guy.:mad:
Same old crap. My first doc said the same thing, if it was his shoulder he'd leave it alone and not plate it a second time. Yeah, the ends of my clavicle had fuzz between them on the XRay, but that ended up being fiberous scar tissue that was like a cartlidge, and the bone moved constantly. He dosesn't want surgery because he probably hasn't done many, especially with a bone graft. Even if it does heal, it will not be straight. Search on TT, Dr. Mark makes reference to a study in a medical journal recently done that concludes the surgical approach yields better results.

This is a preview of whats in store for more of us if that Ahole Obama gets his way. Sorry, I really hate that guy.:mad:

He did talk about that study but he still would not do it. I'm calling my PCP and see if I can force them to refer Dr Mark.

And I agree about Zero...I mean Obama.
I forgot. The doc said he wouldn't do the surgery because of my head injury. He said there could be a problem.
Run that one by Dr. Mark, I'll bet he calls BS. Good luck. I've been there and feel for you.
Ok. I called my PCP and they said that they would write the referral. Now I hope and pray that is passes.
The referral to TX is in with the insurance company. I called the insurance and the lady said they review it in 2-3 business days. That's not what the other lady said...I'm not holding my breathe.

My shoulder blade and shoulder socket area is really hurting when I using the sling. I also feel this pain if I have been standing a lot and haven't rested my shoulder. I've pretty much stopped using the sling...unless I go to the docs. The break point isn't to sore but my neck is. There's still a nice point on the collarbone. I wonder how my riding gear is going to feel rubbing on that if I can't get this fixed. I know my clothes feel terrible on it.

OT says I've come along way...would have been better with a plate. Right now I have full motion if I raise my whole arm up over my head. From the side I can only go about half way. It is also very hard to go across the front of my body. I have one finger that feels numb...that is better then the 3 I had a few days ago. Fun Fun Fun. :mad:

Updated: I found an orth doc up here that does work with the Acumed plate. I'm seeing him this Friday. Maybe he gets it more then the others... It seems crazy when I'm trying for TX but I have to have a backup plan.
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on my last break, the doc said 'here's a sling' - after a week of the sling, i switched to the shoulder brace style.
i hate the way the sling heals. the brace is infinitely more comfortable..
That figue 8 brace is useless. It would have to be super tight and not removed for the entire time it takes to heal. As soon as you remove it the bones move. You cant straighten a broken clavicle without surgery, it just does not want to sit straight by the nature of its function. You feel pain because the shoulder geometry is screwed up. Muscles that are normally relaxed are now under tension. The brachial plexus (nerve bundle to arm) is also likely affected as it can be compressed. Once its plated and straight this will all go away, but the longer it sits crooked like it is the longer it takes to feel normal later.

Once you have been through this, and spent time in a sling, brace, and plated, you will understand and beleive that the non-surgical approach is old school crap that has no place in 2009, except probably in the Obama care plan.:mad:
i have done all three... plated is the way to go. on this last break i had no coverage, so i went the old school way. either way, the figure 8 was infinitely more comfortable for me.
That figue 8 brace is useless. It would have to be super tight and not removed for the entire time it takes to heal. As soon as you remove it the bones move. You cant straighten a broken clavicle without surgery, it just does not want to sit straight by the nature of its function. You feel pain because the shoulder geometry is screwed up. Muscles that are normally relaxed are now under tension. The brachial plexus (nerve bundle to arm) is also likely affected as it can be compressed. Once its plated and straight this will all go away, but the longer it sits crooked like it is the longer it takes to feel normal later.

Once you have been through this, and spent time in a sling, brace, and plated, you will understand and beleive that the non-surgical approach is old school crap that has no place in 2009, except probably in the Obama care plan.:mad:

All that you said makes total sense and I agree. The OT has also told me the same thing. That nerve bundle, if compressed can causes cold/numb fingers. Don't get me started on Zero...sorry I mean Obama.
Hey Steve,

On a lighter note, a local bar is having a costume contest Halloween party. Now, I usually do not participate in this type of thing, but if I could find a bullet hole riddled Obama costume I'd go. My wife wants to go as Octo Mom, that psyco with all the kids thats trying to look like Angelina Jolie, and asked me to go as the doctor wearing a lab coat and carrying a turkey baster!
Enough with the political BS guys. Our fine medical system was totally F'd up LONG before it was dropped into Obama's lap. From my experience nothing has changed for better or worse. Steve you would have been dealing with the same BS Obama or not and you can't tell me different.
Yes, your correct, nothing has changed, YET. Also correct on Steve's unfortunate issue with a lower quality insurance plan. BUT, the point of the dig is, is that Steve's problem is what can be expected for all of us, if the insurance industry is regulated to be on par with a govt plan. Now, I happen to be one of the lucky ones with a great plan that would be considered a "premium" plan and be taxed to the point of the employer likely moving to a lesser quality plan or the govt optioin if it passes. Plus, much of my family income comes from the health care industry, that will be regulated to the point of moving disposable mfg for one company off shore to cut costs, and likely affecting my wifes employment and that of many others. So, I have a large personal stake in this experiment in socialism that will end in disaster, and if I can get a laugh out of it occasionally and maybe make another guy laugh who needs a laugh, I'll do so. There is no political or off topic discussion forum here and thats probably a good thing, but as long as it does not get out of hand or nasty there is nothing wrong with the occasional comment or joke. This is a close knit group and this site is tame by comparison, I think we can handle it.

Hell, if I said what I really think I'd have to ban myself.:eek:
Well, bad news. Dr Mark was denied by my insurance. I figured it would be. I'm changing health plans from HMO to PPO. Yes, I have to pay more but I don't have to deal with this craziness anymore. Tomorrow is my last try at getting it fixed up here...wish me luck!
Damn it. The thought of someone making decisions like this about health care services angers the hell out of me.:mad: How bad do you have to suffer before they pay for surgery? I was talking to my wife about this and HMOs work on a "minimum standard of care" principle to cut costs, like the proposed govt regulations will. That standard is from the '70s in this case.

Worst case is you tough it out until you can switch plans and get it fixed then. Its still fixable at any time, it just takes longer to heal if you need a bigger bone graft.

Good luck today, if this doc is up to date and comfortable with the procedure maybe he can get something done with the insurance co.
OKay. Good news. Surgery this Monday! I'm happy but a little nerves with the doc telling me what could go wrong. Scary...but the has to do that just in case. :(

This doctor said mid-shaft clavicle breaks take a very long time to heal...if at all. He gave me an 60/40 % it would be okay. We could wait another month and see how it is or just do it. Hey said it is up to me. He also talked about the bone graft and the protein type injection. He told me he hasn't done a 100 of these...a little scary. I know he did my brother and he's is fine. I can tell you this place was very different then the others. I didn't feel like a number or that I was being rushed through.

Well, wish me luck.
