cool things found in the woods..


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i regularly ride this area about 2 miles from my house. i finally got around to taking a picture - nothing like the cemetary in the middle of the woods.



i dunno who puts the flowers on, but they must be using a four wheeler to get there.

BTW we do have some trees to go with the rocks..
Pretty neat find. We just find old burnt out cars and maybe an old cabin or two.

Are their any dates on the graves?
couple of american flags on those graves ... that means they are vetrans, maybe fought in a war ... judging from the looks of those graves I'd bet it was the civil war or maybe even 1812 or the revolution!! Every town has its history buffs you can bet the right people know who is in there and could tell you a few things about them. lots of little graves like that in New England.
I thought I'd keep this going... found a couple of interesting things today.

Riding in the open Grasslands, South of Kamloops today we found a couple of very old homestead cabins.

We came across and open hole in the ground and found a repair on a pipe line.
Nice repair job just not enough time to refill the hole. The pipe is about 36" in dia.

Through a couple more gates and came across this open pit mine. Wouldn't want to be racing around there in the dark. The water was soooo blue.

Corey's standing up on the edge looking down.
What type of bear?? the black bears here in Pa leave a worse looking mess behind.. I think its all the garbage they eat.. had two 500#ers fighting over the neighbors trash last night.. I tried to get a picture but once in the woods they started looking at me like a new tug-o-war toy..
Good finds gasgasquebec.

You can almost start a new thread on pictures of bear poo. But we won't get into that.
Geez.... not much to go on, but my guess would be maybe late 70 mid 80's
bombardier ski doo minus hood.

Is there a prize, if we guess right? :D
We found this weird rock circle filled with bones on my dads property when cuttin trail, have to get pics.

I would keep that a secret if I was you. Otherwise you'll have the relatives of those bones demanding the government take your property away.
Short ride today, just when we thought no one else was out playing in the rain we stumbled across thread guys.




Used to ride in Southern VT and we'd find all kinds of old cemataries way.. way... up in the woods. This was back in the early-mid 80's.
The stones were from the 1700's- lots of infants and always Irish names, and the stones would usually say where in Ireland they were from; I remember always seeing "Ulster", if I remember correctly.
Same thing in the Adirondacks in NY. I used to be in a 4WD club and do a lot of 4 wheeling and camping around Lake George and north. Shows how nature can take back roads not maintained.
Not cool, but unusal.

A few years ago, I found a corpse in my woods. Actually I didn't find the body. The deputies did.

It was a few days after Christmas and my wife called me on her way home from work. She said there was a car parked in a bad spot on the county road adjacent to our woods. I strapped on my sidearm and sneaked through the woods. We had troubles with poachers recently and I figured that's what was going on.

The guy's car was locked and there was a briefcase and a yellow legal pad stacked on the passenger seat. I couldn't see anyone nearby.
Since it was starting to get dark, I couldn't read what was written on the pad. I found out later it was a suicide note.

I called the Sheriff's office to tell them the car was in a dangerous location. A couple of hours later my daughter and I went to town. The deputies had the road blocked and their spotlights were shining into my woods. When I approached the roadblock on foot, one of them hollered, "May we help you?" I yelled back that I was the landowner and wondered what was going on. The deputy told me someone had committed suicide :eek: and they were waiting on the coroner.

Later I found out the guy had walked just a few feet into my woods on one of my trails and shot himself in the chest with a small caliber rifle. Apparently he was slumped over behind a big tree. That's why I didn't find him.

I renamed the trails in that area "Dead Man's Curve" and "Suicide Switchback".
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This fellow found me, it was early spring and a nice sign. I guess he thought I was the first flower of spring?