Here are a couple of pictures of some signs found in the National Forest in Colorado. What's cool about them? These are signs put up by the federal government pointing to legal dirtbike singletrack trails open to the public...I don't think it gets cooler than that for people like us! These trails are just south of the Taylor Park (Colorado) riding area in between Whitepine and Pitkin Colorado. Other cool things I found in the forest:
At the Reading Offroad Rider's Enduro (RORR) in the early '90s I found laying on the ground (many times that day) a newbie kid to enduros at the time...He went by the nickname "Junior" and he still does! He was on the minute behind me and he crashed a lot. I can honestly say "I passed him like he was standing still" because he WAS! I was surprised, kind of, when he became a multi-time National Champ because I thought he was going to give it up that day after the many times I saw him on the ground!
Another cool thing I found in the woods: A tree that I had not noticed. Why is that cool? I did not notice it because it was 2 minutes after the start of the Wapwallopen, PA round of the 1985 National Harescrambles series 250A class after I got a great start and proceeded to get passed by some (eventually all) of the offroad greats of the time...The most memorable pass is what caused me to not notice that tree. After working my way out of the top ten I heard a 2 stroke motor pinned against the rev limiter coming up from behind when I hit a bottleneck. I saw a white blur jump across my front wheel, across the trail, and hit a very large downed tree to my left with wheels on opposite sides of the tree. Did he crash? No, he pinned it again, leaned the bike just right, and ran down the length of the tree hanging of the side of the bike until he got to the end, swapped a couple of times, and passed all of us in the bottleneck and eventually won the race. An instant later, after watching that guy do what looked to be impossible, I looked up and found that tree I did not notice (it was not pretty) and ended my day. The rider who passed me? Ed Lojak. The fastest and craziest guy I've ever seen in the woods (Randy Hawkins was the smoothest "fast guy" who passed me in the woods in 1991 or 92...He looked "slow" when he ran away from me!).
Sorry I don't have pictures anywhere but in my head of these two events!