Not cool, but unusal.
A few years ago, I found a corpse in my woods. Actually I didn't find the body. The deputies did.
It was a few days after Christmas and my wife called me on her way home from work. She said there was a car parked in a bad spot on the county road adjacent to our woods. I strapped on my sidearm and sneaked through the woods. We had troubles with poachers recently and I figured that's what was going on.
The guy's car was locked and there was a briefcase and a yellow legal pad stacked on the passenger seat. I couldn't see anyone nearby.
Since it was starting to get dark, I couldn't read what was written on the pad. I found out later it was a suicide note.
I called the Sheriff's office to tell them the car was in a dangerous location. A couple of hours later my daughter and I went to town. The deputies had the road blocked and their spotlights were shining into my woods. When I approached the roadblock on foot, one of them hollered, "May we help you?" I yelled back that I was the landowner and wondered what was going on. The deputy told me someone had committed suicide
and they were waiting on the coroner.
Later I found out the guy had walked just a few feet into my woods on one of my trails and shot himself in the chest with a small caliber rifle. Apparently he was slumped over behind a big tree. That's why I didn't find him.
I renamed the trails in that area "Dead Man's Curve" and "Suicide Switchback".