Frankinbike 2016 engine into 07.


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I love my 07. It fits me at 5'8" (and perfectly formed). Changed to later carb, replaced master cylinder and caliper to keep things fresh.

I had considered a while back buying a mates 16. But its too big. I topple off it. Do like that starter and the extra zap.

I looked to buy a new bike. All too tall for me. Ended up with an XTRAINER. Still sorting suspension. But I want to keep the Gasser as I love it, ride the X in tighter stuff and GG elsewhere.

Spent last weekend a 2 dayer on the GG. Fantastic. Except it is vibrating really bad. Needs some love.

Mate is once again thinking about trading the 16 for some fresher fruit even thoughhe loves it and has got the starter spinning up real well with a new starter. I made it an insert for the bendix and we wet modded the cover 5 years ago so that has been reliable. So you see where I'm going with this.

So can I get new engine in old and then viceversa to sell the remains once I fix the engine?
Case gasket. Now there's a good idea. When I have the 07 apart in a week or two I can compare with his spare gasket set. Should tell me all I need to know about engine mounts.

Battery will be a pain.
A new Lithium battery weighs nothing so you should be able to make a mount in the airbox.
I was pretty sure the gaskets overlapped. As in the motor mount holes are all in the same spot. There was a slight change in the shape for them around 04, then around 15 they changed coolant passages etc. But it is all still very similar. I reckon you could get it to work.
Gasser Nate - Did you compare the two gaskets to each other? They look similar but different in photos and I think the gaskets are different part numbers.
Yes sorry, overlapped as in the engine mount holes were in the same spot. They are very slightly different around the reed valve hole.