How to easily remove and install that pesky Keihin


New member
Heat Gun on the airbox till it's nice an pliable. Carb slips in and out wiht no effort, no pry bar, no screw driver, or busted knuckles. I've been a happy GG owner for 7 months now, and for most of those 7 months I have cussed, thrown tools, and even considered a torch when it comes to taking out the carb on my 2001 EC200. When searching the threads I came across the hair dryer on the airbiox trick. THANK YOU! Why didn't I see that coming!!!! I guess when you're deep into it, sometimes you just can't see the forest through the trees! I know all you long timers know this trick, but for you newbs... this is a great excuse to buy a heat gun. I grabbed my wifes hair dryer and go the the look of death... so now there is a new Porter Cable in my stable. Any excuse to buy new tools!. Attached a picture of the EC rebuild. I hope to have it breathing fire tomorrow. If not, I'll be posting. Happy New Year everyone!!


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I believe it becomes more of a problem the older the bike too as the pastic starts to harden up. The heat gives it back some elasticity :)4

While on the topic of tools that looks to be a nicely decked out workshop you have there and a nice looking older GG :D Top work mate!
I have found that loosening the upper subframe bolts, and taking out the lower and just rotating the whole subframe up works very easy and fast, goes back in quite easy just guiding it back on in the air box boot and slowly pressing down the subframe.
Jaret10 - That's a great idea too. As mine is the easily tested state right now, I gave that a quick whirl. Works much easier if you'rr not using heat.
Jakobi - You're spot on. I know this airbox has defineitly "aged" and become stiffened up. I wonder if I can use that as an excuse to get a new (as in brand new!) GG!
Thanks for the comments!
Jaret10 - That's a great idea too. As mine is the easily tested state right now, I gave that a quick whirl. Works much easier if you'rr not using heat.
Jakobi - You're spot on. I know this airbox has defineitly "aged" and become stiffened up. I wonder if I can use that as an excuse to get a new (as in brand new!) GG!
Thanks for the comments!

I'd be putting it to the minister of war and finance for sure ;)
I really hope that with all the redesign of the '12, they changed at least the compound of that airboot. More likely though, they have current stock to use up. One time I ordered a new airboot for my '03 figuring fresh would be more pliable. It came in with an older date on it from the mold's date wheel and was harder than what I had.:mad:
I really hope that with all the redesign of the '12, they changed at least the compound of that airboot. More likely though, they have current stock to use up. One time I ordered a new airboot for my '03 figuring fresh would be more pliable. It came in with an older date on it from the mold's date wheel and was harder than what I had.:mad:

I had the same thing happen to me