Hi JeromeHello,
I'm Jerome from France and I've a quad Gasgas Wild HP 450 from 2007.
Sorry if I make error when I write, I try as well as I can to write correctly my bad English langage ....
So, I've read all this very interesting post and I've bought the Fiat connector and upload all the Guzzi softs. I can connect to the ECU and do all what I want !!!
May be I could later give you my map (.bin file) but not imediately cause I have some problems.
I have a little question, I know that the Gasgas FSE450 2007 has the same ECU and the same magnetic flywheel than my quad, and my question is:
can I put in my ECU the FSE450 2007 map ?
I think of course that I can but is there a risk to do this ?
Thanks a lot for all,
I don't think there is any risk by loading a map from FSE but it might be a different caracter. Compare the maps to see if they are different. Or you can send it to me at yngvimark@gmail.com
EC 250 2001, FSE 450 2004