[HOW TO] Tune and Modify IAW15P ECU!

That would be awesome!
Heres is my new ecu map BIN.
Thank you very much for your time.

Hey man, I'm just going to copy the FSE400 Fuel Table into your BIN. It should work at least for the mean time :)

Shouldn't take too long

I have put the Fuel Tables from the FSE400 file into the Piaggio file as you wanted, however I wouldn't expect it to work all that well as there are a lot of other things that will be different and cause errors in fuel calculation.

IT's worth a shot I guess.

Also, I won't be surprised if you can't upload the BIN you Read from the ECU the first time. I tihnk you probably have a similar issue like what I was having, turned out a chip (LM339) died in my cable :mad:

See how you go anyway
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Thank you very much! Im still at university, will get back home and will try to upload it. I bought new cable , should arrive in few days. That is the thing that i can upload the map i read from ecu, but not any other map. Will keep you updated. Thank you again.
Thank you very much! Im still at university, will get back home and will try to upload it. I bought new cable , should arrive in few days. That is the thing that i can upload the map i read from ecu, but not any other map. Will keep you updated. Thank you again.

Hmm, very interesting. The fact you can upload that BIN but no others makes me think it's something more software based (still possible it's a hardware thing). It may have to do with the way the BIN is constructed for the Scooter ECU. The code seems to be in different locations that what the gasgas uses, however I am pretty sure this should not be a problem as the code is merely pointing to itself.

Did you say you got a 450 BIN to upload correctly? Maybe we can just pull some fuel out of that to get you going.
Ok so I am back home now. I uploaded the map to ecu. No errors. Now i will go to my garage,because its 10 miles from me and I will let you know if everything works. I am not sure about 450 map, as i cant remember if it was actual map or copied values from 450 to old ecu map. Thanks
Ok so im in my garage now. Fuel pump works then ignition switched on, i can control fuel pump and injector from GuziDiag, but then I am kicking it, im pretty sure that fuel pump and injector is not working. Any suggestions? Thanks
Edit: checked for spark and there is no spark.
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Ok so I am back home now. I uploaded the map to ecu. No errors. Now i will go to my garage,because its 10 miles from me and I will let you know if everything works. I am not sure about 450 map, as i cant remember if it was actual map or copied values from 450 to old ecu map. Thanks
Ok so im in my garage now. Fuel pump works then ignition switched on, i can control fuel pump and injector from GuziDiag, but then I am kicking it, im pretty sure that fuel pump and injector is not working. Any suggestions? Thanks
Edit: checked for spark and there is no spark.


If you're not getting spark, I suggest cleaning the original plug and grounding it to the frame and test the spark that way. If still no go, then I suggest trying the original Piaggio BIN again and see if you get spark back. If so then something very odd is going on with the ECU and it does't seem to want to accept the modified BINs.

The Piaggio ECU probably has very different code for things like Temperature control, Warmup enrichment and so on. Potentially the BIN is waiting for some other function to begin spark, maybe some sort of immobiliser or something.

Can you see if the 450 BIN uploads? If it did *work* but was just really rich, then that is potentially an easy fix! But if it was just the fuel tables you copied over then it suggests that the BIN I sent you should be still giving you spark.

If the 450 BIN does not upload then I fear you will need to have the GasGas BIN modified to the same sort of *structure* as the Piaggio one. If you were to open a GasGas BIN and a Piaggio BIN in a hex editor, you will see that the code is in very different places. I'm not saying this IS the issue, but it looks like it could be part of the problem.

Firstly I think you should really figure out if the spark issue is ECU side or if its a failure somewhere else. Make SURE to check the resistance of the spark plug lead going from the coil to the spark plug, it should be around 5K-10K Ohms or so. I was having spark issues for a while and it turned out to be that cable was faulty.

As always let us know how you go :)
The spark problem is because of wrong map i am pretty sure as, lead and plug are both ok. Then i connect with GuziDiag ignition, fuel pump and injector are working fine then you test them. But then you starting nothing happens.
450 map wont upload.
Is it possible for me to modify the map so that would everything would work?
The spark problem is because of wrong map i am pretty sure as, lead and plug are both ok. Then i connect with GuziDiag ignition, fuel pump and injector are working fine then you test them. But then you starting nothing happens.
450 map wont upload.
Is it possible for me to modify the map so that would everything would work?

Yes it is potential, it is also possible that the software is not allowing it.

I think at this point it will be worth while for you to email the dev yourself and see if it is possible for him to get the software to accept your BIN, or find out if it's something else. The errors shown in the IAW programs could be just a preventative measure to stop you from accidentally writing a Piaggio BIN to your GasGas, so maybe it'll be as simple as to be able to bypass this.

The email you should reach out to is guzzidiag@gmail.com

Provide him with the details and what went wrong etc and I'm sure he will let you know the best course of action.

Sorry I can't be of more help, I just don't have enough time to spend on figuring this one out for you. The dev will get it sorted a LOT faster, and he knows a GREAT deal about it ;)
Thank you for your time. I will email developer now and I hope he is going to reply to me. I found another fse400 ecu on ebay, but I cant afford to buy one at the moment. Will let you know how I am doing with my bike. Thanks
Hi everyone. Contacted developer and he changed bootloader to fit my ecu, as apparently they were different from fse400 map. Now everything works. Putting back all bike today and everything should be fine. Thanks a lot MercyFlush!!!
Hi everyone. Contacted developer and he changed bootloader to fit my ecu, as apparently they were different from fse400 map. Now everything works. Putting back all bike today and everything should be fine. Thanks a lot MercyFlush!!!

That's fantastic! Make sure to donate to them (even a small amount), It's more incentive for them to do these things for us :D

Fingers crossed it all goes well and you can get back to enjoying the gasser!
I just got my .bin from my 2005 FSE 450, and compared it to the other 05 fse 450 from this thread, and found a few differences straight away in ignition mapping and a bit in fuel mapping. I haven't compared much more as I had to go back to sea for a few days, but will be back tomorrow arvo to look into it more.

My bike has a "no spark" issue, and I'm not sure if it's related to ECU software, but after checking many many other things, and this being pretty interesting anyway, I thought I would give it a go. I've written to Bernd (legend) and he's helping out a lot! Will be sure to donate.

I can attach my bin if anyone wants to have a look at it? And you can explain to me how to attach it... Might not be the best to use on your bike though...


I am back from sea, and after emailing Bernd, tried running an ignition test with GuzziDiag, and what do ya know, it worked! That pretty much rules out ignition coil, and ECU I think, so I'm thinking pickup coil? The guy I brought it off mentioned that it was blown, and he had replaced it with another one, but the bike still failed to spark, so he gave up. I got a couple of very intermittent sparks after the test when I tried turning it over, which I have never seen before. They were very intermittent though, so something is still wrong. Any ideas?
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Hi everyone. What readings are you guys getting from the tps, base setting is 6,5 degrees but the program says 4, something when using GuzziDiag but 6,5 when using MDST software used by my local dealer.

I selected wrong ecu

Does someone have Bernd's email address, I would appreciate if you could send it to me in pm.
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Has anyone got some pointers how to adjust the CO/Fuel trim if you don't have AFR/CO meter? At the moment i've got fuel trim set to 22 i think, but i have some hard starting issues sometimes and occasional backfire when backing of the throttle. I have read here that if you get the fuel trim correct, then you will get better starting hot and cold?

EDIT: Like always...read before you ask :P Found a little guide to adjust co trim, over here: http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=69168.0
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What I have found out is that the starting issues are TPS related and it needs to be set up correctly

EC 250 2001, Fse 450 2004
Somewhere here was a guide how to adjust the TPS and interesting is that, i measured the voltage of the TPS and everything seemed fine.(I think it was your guide Yngvim?)
Any idea why would it be hard to start if i stall it on the track...i mean sudden stall... ?
If i use the kill switch or the key then it's a lot easier to start.
But i will check the TPS once more just in case :)
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When you stall the bike the cylinder is flooded with fuel, if it is starting to rich like most of the 450s, it takes longer time to dry out

EC 250 2001, Fse 450 2004
Could someone please reupload 2006 FSE450 MAP file or send it to my e-mail? (taavivalentin @ gmail dot com) :) Or 2004 FSE 450 MAP would be ok also? Links to MAP files in this topic for 2006 are dead sadly :(
Would like to try something :P
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One more question...maybe MercyFlush could answer that.
Why can't i upload 2007 MAP to my 2005 ECU? Guzzi writer says that "file does not fit your ecu", no other errors. I can upload without problem older MAP files that i found in this topic....
What would be the easiest way to get 2007 map running on 2005?
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Quad Gasgas Wild HP 450 2007


I'm Jerome from France and I've a quad Gasgas Wild HP 450 from 2007.
Sorry if I make error when I write, I try as well as I can to write correctly my bad English langage ....

So, I've read all this very interesting post and I've bought the Fiat connector and upload all the Guzzi softs. I can connect to the ECU and do all what I want !!! :)

May be I could later give you my map (.bin file) but not imediately cause I have some problems.

I have a little question, I know that the Gasgas FSE450 2007 has the same ECU and the same magnetic flywheel than my quad, and my question is:
can I put in my ECU the FSE450 2007 map ?
I think of course that I can but is there a risk to do this ?

Thanks a lot for all,