How to know if the bike is running lean?

Written out of the way up by the clip (might have to remove needle to see it, memory failing).

Turn slide upside down and will be written underneath. Slide is the most expensive part so rarely gets changed.
I believe JD needles don't have numbers just colours (but never had one so don't know for sure) otherwise look where F5 said)
LOL no way is there something written on that needle. Im not that blind. Got my camera phone out and zoomed in with my LED light on and theres nothing. Its brass color and thats it. The slide has some kind of symbol and a 9 or a 6, depeding on how you hold it. Maybe its X 6 or 9 X
OK, thanks. The needle doesnt have any color tip. I thought maybe that was a star, but sounded stupid. So is no color on the needle and the star on the slide a good or bad thing? Or does it jst mean nothing.
The star is just a branding they all have it the needle is a crap shoot it could be a LTR I do not know if he marked his.
Just thinking that. LTR weren't marked I believe. Had one in my 200 but like 15 yrs ago.