Needle Help

Put the CCK in for a ride this weekend. It was cool enough that we rode in the valley at 1400 feet elevation. It was too rich in needle position 2, so moved it to position 1 and it was spot on. The problem with this is that there is no longer any room for adjustment to be made for higher elevation. Where do I go from here? Larger diameter? Longer needle? Different taper? Any suggestions appreciated, as I have a trip to CO planned in a couple weeks and the riding will be 10,000 to 12,500 feet in elevation. Thanks!

A CEK needle is 2 clip positions leaner than a CCK, both have the same diameter and taper, only the L-1 changes. So, CCK in the 1st position = CEK in clip #3. That will give you a litttle more versatility.

I also use this guide when riding at elevation. Garage/carbs and FI/Jetting/jet_correction_chart.html
CCK #1
38 Pilot
175 Main
AS 2 turns out

Had to adjust the float height slightly. Bike rips. Pulls strong from bottom to top. Off idle hesitation is gone.

Will put the CEK in at position #3 when I receive it. This should give me enough adjustment for high elevation/summer riding and lower elevation/winter riding.
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