OEM Part numbers
13383-37FA0 NEEDLE, JET (NECF)
13383-37FB0 NEEDLE, JET (NECG)
13383-37FC0 NEEDLE, JET (NECH)
13383-37FD0 NEEDLE, JET (NECW)
13383-37FE0 NEEDLE, JET (NECJ)
13383-37FF0 NEEDLE, JET (NECK)
13383-37FG0 NEEDLE, JET (NECL)
13383-37FH0 NEEDLE, JET (NEDF)
13383-37FJ0 NEEDLE, JET (NEDG)
13383-37FK0 NEEDLE, JET (NEDH)
13383-37FL0 NEEDLE, JET (NEDW)
13383-37FM0 NEEDLE, JET (NEDJ)
13383-37FN0 NEEDLE, JET (NEDK)
13383-37FP0 NEEDLE, JET (NEDL)
I'd suggest either NEDW/NEDJ as a starting point. NECW and NECJ are your half clip leaner alternatives if you wish to fine tune. Not sure about the bikes in the states, but here in Australia we get assorted pilots and mains with the bike. Should be working around the 40/42 and 172-178 range.