I just wanted to provide an update to this thread.
This past Sunday I raced the Funky Chicken, RD#5 of the AMA West Nation Hare Scramble in Elkton, OR. The event was super dusty and dry, which lead to more cotton mouth than normal.
I have suffered from cramps before, mainly in my lower legs at other races. I would concider myself to be in decent shape, however I could stand to spend more time on the rowing machine.
I was hydrated, no doudt about that, I make sure that by Friday morning eveything was good to go!
The 7.5 hour drive to Elkton, OR was in a a/c controled pickup and I continued to consume water on the drive up. Every pit stop we made I was "clear".
The plan was to fill my race hydro pack with one bottle of pedialite before the race. My race hydro pack is small, light weight and will only handle about 1 liter so the entire bottle was dumped into the bag.
My race breakfast was bowl of oatmeal, dry whole wheat toast, glass of OJ and two bananas, no sugar or milk in the oatmeal. I ate this at 6:30 am for a 10 am race time.
That liter lasted me the entire 3 hour race and when I was nearing the last few miles it went dry. I suffered no side effects what so ever, no cramping what so ever. The taste was a little strange at first, but I could live with it.
I normally use water in my hydro pack and I seem to consume more water quicker than the pedialite?
My riding gear is about 50/50 vented so I did have some air flowing to help keep me cool.
The pedialite seemed to work for me along with the fact that I was well hydrated.
Post race I consumed another liter of pedialite to re-hydrate. I seemd to recover pretty quick and I did notice that my engery level did perk up within an hour or so after the race.
Thanks for all the feed back and other idea's.