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Anybody have experience with this? How long for recovery?

I generally have a healthy back, work out a lot, able to lift and bend, and ride without issues. Never had an XRay or MRI because there was never a need.

About two weeks ago I started to get an annoying pain over my left butt cheek that would come and go. No injury prior to this, just some somewhat strenuous lifting. Following Sunday I went to an Enduro. I got about 7 - 10 miles and had intense pain in my left leg, so bad I had to pull off and go back to my camper. I could only walk a few steps at a time, it was the worst pain I have ever experienced. Went to the ER, doc said it was Sciatica from lumbar strain and gave me muscle relaxers, no XRay. Regular doc the next day said pretty much the same thing and that I would be better in two weeks. Its been a week and while I can sleep without drugs and walk I still have pain. Riding is out of the question and this scares me. Thinking about seeing a Chiropractor. Any experiences good or bad?
I've gotten it after long drives. Just in the butt though. Never down into my leg.
It usually lasts 2-3 weeks if I don't have another long drive to aggravate it. Riding doesn't bother it at all for me. It just makes stretching before painful.
I have a herniated disk in my lower back which causes the same nerve issues. PT is what helped me immensely. The PT helps relax the muscles so the nerve isn't being pinched anymore.
Thanks guys. I'm actually feeling a lot better today, just a slight pain and not constant. Seeing a Chiropractor tommorrow. Maybe its not too bad if it subsided so fast, I hope.
Thanks guys. I'm actually feeling a lot better today, just a slight pain and not constant. Seeing a Chiropractor tommorrow. Maybe its not too bad if it subsided so fast, I hope.

Hope you get to feeling better Glenn. My wife goes to the Chiro once every 2weeks to get an adjustment and she comes back a new woman.
Thanks Robby. I figure he can also help me modify my exercise routine. The regular doc suggested PT but its tough finding time for that after work, where I go to the gym myself at lunch.

Its just scary when something like this happens out of the blue, and takes you out.
A year ago this month, I lifted a heavy diesel cylinder head in a awkward position, felt an immediate burning sensation in my lower back. The next weekend after riding in a 40 mile Poker Run in a CR500, my right leg and butt was burning and tingling. Off to a Chiropractor, the best one recommended by several people, anyway he said I should return to normal after his treatment, kept going back for more painful adjustments. After 2 weeks, I felt worse so I scheduled an appt with my Doc, he immediately suggest a PT at a Spine Clinic and a MRI. In just 2 visits with the PT, I felt vastly improved. They measure your movement and then coordinate proper stretching to reduce the disc tension on the nerve. Never once took pain meds, thats just a temporary relief.

Went back to the Chiro for a partial refund, they looked shocked when they asked how I felt, told them great with a smile. The MRI revealed a ruptured disc but the good news is the neurosurgeon said no surgery needed and imposed a 50 lb lifting limit.

Had a sciatica flareup this past month, caused me to miss a local poker run. Taught me again to stay focused with the daily self home stretching program suggested from the PT. I still snow ski and ride hard as ever.

Good luck with your appt, hope you heal up soon !
So, ggrider, that's why I didn't see you at the Shotgun PR. Alright, you're off the hook. I saved a set of pink grips for you since I thought you wimped out.;) I won't put them on your bike now.

It's amazing what good health professionals can do for you. Don't judge Chiropractors to harshly. Just like any professional, the best ones are the ones who are in love with what they do, not with how much business they can drum up. I have also had amazing results with PT. Chiropractic, and Acupuncture as well. Sciatica is a bummer. It's not something to just ignore, if there is a mechanical problem with your body, just like your bike, the longer you ignore it, the more cost and downtime will result.
Thanks Robby. I figure he can also help me modify my exercise routine. The regular doc suggested PT but its tough finding time for that after work, where I go to the gym myself at lunch.

Its just scary when something like this happens out of the blue, and takes you out.

I just would not want to go to a Chiropractor if it was a herniated disk. That is how these things happen sometimes - out of the blue. When I did my back in I didn't feel any pain until the next day. I sure the chiropractor will put heat on it and put you on the ultrasound (I think that is what it is) machine and that should really help.

Good luck.
Well I'll see how it goes, worth a try. Most of my riding buddys swear by them. Right now I'd say I feel about 90%, Actually better than before the race. Because there was no obvious trauma event before symptoms, neither doc wanted to write a ticket for an MRI. If I'm not 100% soon I'll go back and insist. Right now I feel the worst when I get out of my truck at work after an hour drive, then is subsides after the short walk to the building. I may need a prescription for a new truck.:D
Right now I feel the worst when I get out of my truck at work after an hour drive, then is subsides after the short walk to the building. I may need a prescription for a new truck.:D

I hate to say it but those are the same symptoms I had. I had to borrow a car with AT because I couldn't shift my truck.
Ibuprofin is your friend...

I bailed off at high speed at an isde qualifier in idaho city. DNF'ed - I've never had paralysis in my legs as a result of a crash - I could walk but felt like an old man (even more than I do today!). It kinda "freaked me out" - never had anything like that happen before.

I went to the doc and he told me to mega-dose on ibuprofin for 2-3 days to reduce the inflammation that was causing the pressure on the spine/nerves. Worked great.

I've been doing a lot of Aleve (Naproxin), 2 - 3 a day of the 220mg gel caps (good for arm pump prevention too). I never had any paralysis, just pain so intense that the leg just seemed to "shut down" after a few steps. I guess I'm so surprised because I work hard to stay in shape. What I lack in talent I try to make up for in strength and stamina. I don't feel like an old man!
So, ggrider, that's why I didn't see you at the Shotgun PR. Alright, you're off the hook. I saved a set of pink grips for you since I thought you wimped out.;) I won't put them on your bike now.
Please mount the grips on my bike, need them for the upcoming San Francisco Drag Queen Supercross, why do you think I switched to a MC250. I knew I could count on you for all the pink accessories !
Anybody have experience with this? How long for recovery?

I generally have a healthy back, work out a lot, able to lift and bend, and ride without issues. Never had an XRay or MRI because there was never a need.

About two weeks ago I started to get an annoying pain over my left butt cheek that would come and go. No injury prior to this, just some somewhat strenuous lifting. Following Sunday I went to an Enduro. I got about 7 - 10 miles and had intense pain in my left leg, so bad I had to pull off and go back to my camper. I could only walk a few steps at a time, it was the worst pain I have ever experienced. Went to the ER, doc said it was Sciatica from lumbar strain and gave me muscle relaxers, no XRay. Regular doc the next day said pretty much the same thing and that I would be better in two weeks. Its been a week and while I can sleep without drugs and walk I still have pain. Riding is out of the question and this scares me. Thinking about seeing a Chiropractor. Any experiences good or bad?


After a bad get-off, I sustained injury to my lumbar region. One of the side effects/issues from the injury was sciatica. After a few visits to my chiropractor--which happens to be a riding bud--I started to get some relief, however, it took healing time plus a regimen or two of Celebrex to get me back to normal.

I still get "flare-ups" now and then, but as Jeff has said, two or three Ibuprofin and a good night's sleep puts me back on the map.

It's going to take time for your back to heal, and if you're smart, you'll give it plenty of time to do so.

Bit of advice...

If your chiropractor can't help you within, say, three to four visits, stop going and find another alternative. Don't let one soak you by requiring you to see him/her over a long period of time.

Best of luck,

'03 EC 300

I went Weds night, first time. The guy spent close to an hour, examination, nerve tests, Xray. The XRay developer failed, so he could not verify what he suspected from the examination. Anyway, he claimed that my sacrum was shifted slightly, placing pressure on the lowest disc. He said it was probably like that for awhile, from a previous fall. Typically happens when people fall on the ice and land on their tail bone. It takes approx 7mm of nerve compression on average in that area to have pain symptoms, and I could have been on the edge. Since I recovered about 80% in a week, he does not suspect any additional permanent damage, but the XRay will indicate if an MRI is needed to prove that, which I will find out tommorrow. Its not technically Sciatica, because my pain is in a different nerve group that is felt on the side of the leg, not the rear.

Well, I agreed to let him "treat" me as he was quite confident. I could not beleive how I felt when I walked out, I felt great. Even today I can barely tell I had a problem, only after the drive to work can I feel anything and now its just a dull ache for a minute or two. I'm going to stick with this for awhile as I had a definate improvement in one visit. Going back tommorrow and will discuss what I can do to improve my training program to help this.

Whatever it takes to get back on the bike without problems.
Had a lengthy review of my redone XRays tonight, not pretty. The S1/S2 of my sacrum apparently never completely fused at birth, been that way all my life. Quite common and never a problem to me, but I must have stressed it enough to shift it and put pressure on a nerve root. A few sections up, I have an almost bone/bone situation, bad disc, arthritis. Doc said this is from a 15 - 20 year old injury based on the growth. Thinking back, I got thrown from a horse and landed hard on my back in '92, sore for a week. Funny thing is I had no additional problems from this. I feel good now, going back to the gym this week. All clear but no leg press and no running for a few weeks. No riding yet either, but he said I will be back on the bike. Good Chiropractor, knows his limits, not a pusher for excessive visits, and taught me a lot.
Good Chiros are as hard to find as a good mechanic. After several of them and acupuncture I found a good one to relieve my sciatica which I developed from bowling of all things. Dangerous sport, It hurt more to sit than anything. He's a Gonstead Chiro, I won't go to anyone else now, just keep going once in a while to keep it in shape.
I'm going once a week now, soon to be every two weeks. I'm back to my normal workout routine including running and leg press. Left leg is a little more sore than normal but thats it. My condition is a little different, I have a permanent weak spot thats still not healed up and will only be 85% at best in a couple months. He says I can ride but "don't hit any big boulders". That may be tough. I have to minimize impacts through my butt, so I guess I will try to adopt a more stand up style. I may go out Sunday for an easy test ride, but here nothing is really easy. Not sure where this leaves me right now, not exactly happy about it.:(