Sticky more how to's


New member
Would be helpful if we had a few more how to's as stickys, most gasgas owners will face the same issues at one time or another also it makes things easier to find we have tech articles but was thinking more in the forum)

A few examples

How to set float heights on as1/as2
How to fix auto retract side stand
How to test stator/coil with multimeter
How to fit transformation kit

So if you feel like doing a write up on one or more or the above topics or somthing else it would be helpful.

Most the information will be on here so even if someone wants to mine the existing threads and do up some advice I'll be happy to sticky it. I had meant to do some for the floats and jetting over time but never got around to it. Always seems when you're into the job the camera gets left benchside.
Most the information will be on here so even if someone wants to mine the existing threads and do up some advice I'll be happy to sticky it. I had meant to do some for the floats and jetting over time but never got around to it. Always seems when you're into the job the camera gets left benchside.

If its easier that would work too
Perhaps update the interchange table as well. I've got mine running sweet with a 2002 RM125 CDI :), info might help someone out in a spot of bother!

Perhaps links to country specific dealers of specialist parts?
Stickies - used too often. A discussion forum is a discussion forum - if the stickies fill the entire screen before the ongoing discussion can be seen - it just gets in the way.

Reference material should be stored and maintained in a different location - main website or a main wiki that runs alongside the forum. I had a wiki set up at one time.

If anyone is an expert with wordpress - this is where this stuff should go. Let me know and I'll set it up...

The right tool should be applied to the task at hand.

Good thinking Jeff. I've had some exposure to wordpress and would find it a walk in the park to put info up on it.

I'd say the best approach would be to do up some pdf how to's and load them on the main page with the rest of the info. It just takes a bit more time (and maybe a few revisions) to get all the info presented well. I personally like the forum as you get a few people chiming in and building on eachothers knowledge base. In saying that I've seen plenty of forums where the stickied threads end up so long that the original point is somewhat lost.