The Lectron - Review (vs SmartCarb)


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So first up, thanks to Dave at TSP ( for the opportunity to do some testing. Dave has recently become an Australian Lectron dealer which is ace! He's also just purchased a DynoTech Dyno, and also moved into a new workshop. Things are moving forward for TSP.

My history with Dave began with the 3rd top end rebuild on my 2010 EC300R and the decision to downgrade from a 300 to 250. The full details of the build can be seen here (

So now currently, I have been approached by Dave with the offer to do some testing on the Lectron, which I couldn't say no to. I'm also on the preorder list for a diecast SmartCarb so I am super eager to experience what all the hype has been about. As most of you know, I have spent more than enough hours tinkering with various needles, jets, and configurations of each to have a pretty decent grasp on jetting and how the bike responds to changes, so should be able to give some solid feedback on how the Lectron compares. I'm honestly expecting great things!!

Before we delve into it (before it arrives in the mail), I've taken the time to crunch a few figures and give some specific information on my bike.

Current jetting. 40 N3CW#3 175
This covers sea level to 900m pretty well, with it set up to be ideal at 300-550M. A typical day here like today is 32C - 50% humidity. Often more humid, but sometimes less. Temps rarely drop below 20C.

S3 Race Ported Cylinder 0.5mm Gasket
S3 Head - Custom High Comp insert - 1.25mm Squish, 14:1UCCR.
Fuel 98RON (mixed with Amsoil Dominator 50:1)
This piston has exactly 100hrs on it. Rings have not been changed. Cranking compression has dropped 12PSI since new. Typical fuel consumption is around 10-12Km/L depending on aggression. The last 100hrs has seen 2795kms covered at an avg speed of 27.95Km/h.'
Bottom end stock @ 250hrs.

The plan from here is to fit the Lectron, and run it for the next 10-15hrs at which point I'll be pulling the engine down for a complete rebuild. I'll start by taking some photos of the lectron and comparing it against the AS2. I'll then install in the bike and comment on the fit. Finally we'll get into the good stuff and start reporting how the bike responds to changes, with the hope to get a baseline for the Gassers.

Singletracker? If you could report your current settings it might give me somewhere close to start from too! Cheers mate!
Off to check the mail.. again!

Old carbs out and waiting for insertion! Did a pretty dodgy job washing the old girl after the last ride too!
Geez Jake it takes you a long time to go check the mail, it's been 2 days since your last post. Bring on the reviews and pretty pictures. Some of us are layed up at home with crook knees and nothing better to do then read this forum you know. :D
My settings as requested


Here are my settings for nearly 60F (16C). I've leaned the power jet out 1 full turn from stock, and it has plenty of top end. I don't know if yours will come set the same as mine did or not. My metering rod is a 3-1 xl, and when I measured it in the stock position it was 1.941 inches (48.30mm) or close to it. I only say that because when I first started playing with adjustments I noticed that a 1/4 of a turn changed it by approximately 0.010 inches, and currently it measures 1.944 inches (49.38mm). I was in a little bit of a hurry the last time I measured it though.

My latest impressions are still very favorable. I have no desire to go back to the stock carb! I have noticed that a 1/4 of a turn adjustment to the metering rod makes a difference when going from 38F to 60F. It felt a little rich at 60F until I leaned the metering rod out a 1/4 turn then it became very responsive. The next time I rode it in the low 40's it seemed a tad lean, but it didn't feel like it needed adjusted. Actually, it ran very good. BTW, I'm at about 650 feet above sea level.

I haven't noticed much if any improvement in fuel mileage, but it's been pretty slippery around here all winter so I am not ready to give a final verdict on that front yet. I kept track of how many miles I got on a full tank, and I hit reserve at 35.2 miles and rode another 3.77 miles after that. I estimated that I could have went another +- 3 miles before completely running out. Total mileage = +- 42 (+-68km). In a muddy enduro I ran out at 41 miles with the stock carb last summer.

Anxiously awaiting your take on the Lectron!
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I'll get to the post office tomorrow and maybe a quick ride in. Doubt I'll have much chance to tinker other than getting it running in the ballpark. Its been setup in a CR250 last, so will install at that setting.

Unfortunately I have 2 shocks and a set of forks to rebuild as well so they are priority at the moment. Good things will come soon!
So this morning I went and picked up the package from the post office. Thanks Dave! First impressions were that it looked like a carb! Sitting beside the AS2 you can see they are similar in size. The Lectron is longer though. A good thing has my airboox is stretched to the max with the AS2 and no reed spacer. The boot has been rubbing the paint from the shock spring. With the Lectron its a much more natural fit.


I took it down to the bike and introduced them. I was hoping they'd quickly get together and the good times would flow, but they didn't. I ended up having to do things the long way. Silencer off, frame guards off, loosen the subframe and flip her over for access. Talk about foreplay! With the end in and intake manifold done up you can see there isn't a lot of room between the frame rails and the carb, but still enough to get everything where it needs to be.


First issues experienced. The slide on the Lectron isn't so user friendly. The spring is longer, more tightly wound and delicate than the PWK. I liked the way the cable mounts in the back of the slide though. Makes it easy to get in. The long spring makes it a right @#$@ to get out. You win some, you lose some. The gasket for the carb cap also has to be slid over the throttle cable in the process and kind of just flops around between the cap and the slide. It wasn't a bad thing, but got in my way a few times. If it was my carb I'd probably use some grease/sealant and try to keep it fixed to the cap.

The threads in the Lectrons cap are larger than that of the PWK. The lectron comes with its own tensioning system (thread and locnut) that threads into the cap. The problem is that its much larger than the thread on the Motion Pro captive cable. I tried to mount it up as per instructions, but with the captive end being designed to thread into the cap it was never going to work. With max slack on both adjusters this is as close as I could get.


This is what the slide should look like when bottomed on the idle screw/stop.


I went back to my stock GG cable and it was only barely long enough to get to the stop with both adjusters giving max length. I had issues with it hanging up and pulling the cable (particularly turning right) at both ends of the carb too. This was happening previously with the AS2 which is why I went to the captive cable. I rerouted a couple times and then tie wired the throttle end. I need to do the same at the carb but for now have it at a state where I can ride it without it hanging. I have a spare motionpro cable which was a touch short from the factory which I will be modifying to fit this carb properly. I'm not sure I like the way the cable mounts at the carb. It doesn't seem to even press fit into the carb top and just kind of rests in there. I'll get some photos of this later, but ideally I'd like to be able to use the captive cable.
With the fuel line hooked up the bowl filled to the front edge of the fuel level line. Seems like as good a place as any. I really like the clearness too! I have not changed the float height from where Dave had set it. The metering rod is the one that Lectron suggests for 2T's. I'll double check the number on it when I make an adjustment. No idea what the power jet is. Dave said he had it at 1.5 turns out.


I kicked the bike and it ran slightly. Did that 3 times. Pulled the choke (who puts it on that side of the carb! Bleh) and it fired up. Off choke it hesitated slightly while cold, as does my PWK. Very similar and quickly settled into a nice low idle. I set the slide height visually the same way I would the PWK (a few mm under the slide) and haven't even had to adjust the idle speed. I watched the shed filll up with sweet smelling amsoil smoke as I normally would and then went out the yard to bring her up to temp. It felt very very much the same as I'm used to. A slight bit of burble off idle that instantly cleans up with throttle. It responds well to throttle too, but not how the N3CW needle does. Its richer through the mid range, with more of a smooth torquey transition. Similar to a JD Red needle, but way better :) I hadn't done up the fuel tank, shrouds, and only finger tightened the seat as I was expecting to have to change. I was enjoying the experience and while I remembered the tank and shrouds and remained seated with the knees holding the shrouds in, I forgot about the seat and the bolt rattled out. Bummed. That was my favourite bolt!! *grumble grumble*

During the test I took it down the street, into a bit of a play patch where I could get the throttle on, into some single track with hills and roots, and some short steep climbs to test how well it lugs down in 2nd. Again, all positve reviews. I almost got caught out by the top end with some unexpected front wheel action!

So at this point in time, the fit and finish is acceptable. The cable can use some revisions. The setting I received it in is good enough to ride and be happy with. I'll spend more time tinkering to see where improvements can be made. I personally think its got more snap to be unlocked yet, but all in all most people would be over the moon to bolt a carb in and have it run as good as this.

Here are my settings for nearly 60F (16C). I've leaned the power jet out 1 full turn from stock, and it has plenty of top end. I don't know if yours will come set the same as mine did or not. My metering rod is a 3-1 xl, and when I measured it in the stock position it was 1.941 inches (48.30mm) or close to it. I only say that because when I first started playing with adjustments I noticed that a 1/4 of a turn changed it by approximately 0.010 inches, and currently it measures 1.944 inches (49.38mm). I was in a little bit of a hurry the last time I measured it though.

Interesting info, thanks... Jake the one I sent you has the same needle as above but it was set at 50.50mm total length from memory (got it written down at work) so is leaner than what singletracker is using. I found one full turn equates to ~1.0mm also...
Thanks for the info Dave. I will take measurements and note positions when I'm in there for next adjustment. Was there anything else we covered in PM's that was left out? Any special requests for photos of anything?
Thanks for the info Dave. I will take measurements and note positions when I'm in there for next adjustment. Was there anything else we covered in PM's that was left out? Any special requests for photos of anything?

No nothing special needed... I'll definitely be trying to solve the cable issue so they are delivered ready to go. How did the large side of the carb fit the airboot?
Jake, by captive cable, do you mean that the Lectron top does not have a recess that retains the outer cable jacket/nipple?
The Lectron carb cap is drilled and tapped to accept their cable adjuster. The one that came with the carb is a brass one same as the image below.


By captive ends I was referring to the MotionPro T3 cables. Instead of just having a cable that drops into the sleeve, they thread directly into the carb, and directly into the throttle housing. A much better design imo.


The stock cable I am using has the 45 degree bend/sleeve at the end. This slides down into the lectron adjuster, however it doesn't take much of a tug on the cable to have it start lifting out (and raising the slide with it).
Nice write up. I look forward to the in depth review that covers fuel economy as well.

When you say it doesn't have the snap of the N3 needle do you think it's the design of the needle and therefore power delivery or do you think it's because it's slightly rich off the bottom/through the mid?
Nath, I haven't even made a change on the carb yet so its hard to make any comparisons. The Lectron and SmartCarb have both canned multi taper needles for a metering rod. I really like the idea how the rod is connected to the slide as well and think that if Keihin used this method as opposed to needle clips then we'd also have much more refined tuning available there too. There's a design that could blow JDs kit away :) Custom needle and retainer. Small and would work well.

Back to the Lectron. I didn't really feel it was rich, but do think that it might find some more snap in the midrange if I run it a bit leaner. I'm unsure if this will come at the expense of bottom end grunt or not yet. Dave had some alternate metering rods that I can try if thats the case. The HIT that happens with the N3 needles isn't really ideal. Its the air fuel ratio starting to run lean, and then when it comes into extra fuel (change of taper) it explodes to life. I like it like that, and have always liked that needles can be used as another tool to modify power delivery. With the Lectron it'll more likely be a powervalve adjustment that will alter the delivery. I doubt I will have time to play with this while having the Lectron, but in May I should receive my SmartCarb and will definitely put some more research into it. If we show Dave a market he may be able to develop/produce an adjuster similar to the trusty at a more realistic price point.
Thanks for the details Jake. I had a look at a Lectron and the only questionable part is the right side choke. I have the ~12L Clark tank and I doubt I could reach the right side choke. Lectron are currently working on a cable choke kit which should take care of this. A 45* cable fitting is essential for the carb top.