Yesterday was another race -- Round 5 -- in the series.
This was a hare scramble down in San Manuel, Arizona. The Aze and Beez did three 26.5-mile laps.
It was fast and flowy with slight elevation changes and two miles of whoop-out sand wash. This is not our usual 2nd-gear rock-bashing event. Even I (B-racer with mid-pack C speed), managed to average 22 MPH. The fastest A-racers where at 31 MPH, and nearly all of the Aze hit 26-27 mph. The top Beez were in at about 26 MPH.
So, this was Main Jet territory. And a test for the fuel efficiency of the Lectron.
On earlier trail rides I had noted that the bike was not quite as thirsty as before, but my measurements hadn't been particularly precise. This time I topped off the bike after I warmed it up. Topped off to the very top. I marked graduations on my fuel jug and took a measure of the tank.
I concluded that I used 3.0 gallons of fuel. 79.5/3.0 = 26.6 MPG.
As a comparison, one of our top A riders who races pinned achieved a stunning 11 MPG on his KTM300.
I wish I could give you a direct comparison of the same bike in the same race, but last year at this race with my '05 EC250 with RB Carb and Head mod I used just under 4 gallons, or about 20 MPG. I never could get the 2011's Keihin AirStriker2 jetted to my liking so I quickly moved to the Lectron.
For what it's worth.