Sorry to hear about the ribs. I hear applying beer to them from the inside helps the healing process.
2011 EC 300. I've had her about 2 years now. Unfortunately, for over a year of that I was fighting through figuring out why she wouldn't run right. Turns out it was the reeds, but I created a few problems for myself in trying to solve that one, and it took a long time to get things straightened out.
BUT, she's ripping once again. I always felt like she was super smoky, and not knowing much about two strokes I wasn't sure if that was just part of the issue or what. I was running a 175 main with a NE3H needle in the third (middle) position, and a 40 pilot. Today (actually yesterday, don't hold it against me), I moved the needle down one notch (leaner). Mid and top felt pretty good, but I could tell idle wasn't great. No matter how I adjusted the air screw and idle, I couldn't bring the idle down. Again, not having too much two stroke experience, I didn't want to do any harm, but I noticed that if I 'half choked' the carb, it idled a little better.
So taking that into consideration, along with the fact that I leaned out the needle, I decided to go up one size on the pilot. I figured that makes sense since its cooler these days anyway.
Let me just say...
Its like a whole new bike. Very responsive, wasn't smoking all the time, wasn't constantly loading up. I haven't checked the plug yet, but I suppose that would be a good idea.
Anyways, after a few hours of interspersed tweaking and ripping, it was bath time.
Now that I have that sorted, I think its time to fool with the ignitech cdi and try out some different maps. Anyone have any recommendations or custom maps they want to share?
2007 pretty common on enduro bikes. I would not have thought it to be common on trials though.Dang sounds like a Doozie. I'm amazed the front wheel corroded through... what year bike is it?
I have a few before and after. But I was knee deep in filth so I didn?t take too many.Where are the photos?
I started trial riding about a year ago, wasn't enjoying the enduro so much after the move to NZ.Not today but over the last couple of weeks I bought myself a Txt 280 pro off a mate.
Said to be in good condition but needed a shit tonne of work unfortunately so I?ve spent the last couple of weeks getting it sorted.
First ride out on it before I bought it I noticed the air boot wasn?t sitting on correctly so I fixed that trail side. Also found the rear shock felt harsh as hell and noticed the bump stop rubber missing. Everything else was set up wonky as with to much play and the rubbers generally required replacing.
The clutch was also set up a tad on the large side and cause of my nerve pain in my left arm I needed a softer set up.
Pulled it all down replaced a clutch plate with a thinner one - perfect now. Shifter and kickstart gears all looked mint.
Motor sounded nice and tight and has minimal blow by on the rings. Found the muffler had rubbed through so a little tig action fixed that and a couple of cracks too. Muffler packing long gone so that was replaced too.
Carby cleaned and set up correctly, front brake master cylinder kit replaced due to piston sticking. Front sprocket replaced due to hooked teeth, rear and chain on the way.
Wrapped the header pipe to stop the flesh sticking to it so easily! Much better.
Upon pulling the shock I have found it is a unserviceable Sachs so I took to it with the drill press and converted it over to a needle valve style so it can be re gassed and serviced easily. I have a stiffer spring on the way also. Bottoms way to easily.
Linkages were shot as well and when they were pulled I found there was something jammed in between the dog bog and frame and the frames tab had worn down to the bolt head. More tig action to build that back up.
Spun it round and got started on the front end, greased the steering head bearings, serviced the forks to find red powder coat all through the shims and valving. Real smart Marzocchi... Also repaired the broken check valve spring and trashed wheel bearings.
Seriously pissed off with the bike and purchase at this point I finally button it all back together to go for a proper ride and find out the front rim has corroded through and needs replacing. Yay!
Took it for a ride regardless and had a ball although it is very different from enduro and takes a lot of getting used to. The bike is so capable though and will climb anything with a tiny bit of throttle.
Front rim and spokes on their way.
I had a TXT200 for several years, but after kids just couldn't find time to ride 4 disciplines....