What needle is half clip richer than N3CJ ?


New member
Hi to all, following your recomendations i put a N3CJ needle ( 3 clip) on my gas gas ec 300 2012 ( guillaume replica), paired with a 178 - 42 jets. The bike make some serious power with this configuration but with a lake of low end and a violent transition from low to mids for my taste, so i lowered the clip one position (4th pos) and now the bike respond awesome with tons of low end and a soft transition from low to mids, but the ideal configuration for me will be a intermediate point from the 3 - 4th clip position. Any help will be appreciated, thanks for your time.

Note: I ride betwen 400 - 1000 mts, 20 - 30 C
42 N3EJ#3 178 will be your intermediate spot.

Alternatively if you want to pick up some grunt in the low throttle section while retaining the mid range crispness you could consider going a step richer on the needle diameter. This would be N3CW#3. If you did this you'd probably want to drop to a 40 pilot though to retain the idle mixture.
Thanks Jakobi for your help and endless jetting knowledge :) , I will order the N3EJ & N3CW right now !!! when the needles arrives I will tell you how my bike performs with each one.
No worries! I have noticed the same thing myself where a full clip position is too much change. IE N3EW#2 is too lean and lacks grunt. N3EW#3 is torquey but drinks too much fuel and lacks any real snap or excitement. N3CW#3 is a wheely machine!