On page 1 someone said they get a year out of S12 Michelins? What? They must ride in sand with no hardpack or rocks! I love S12s, they work pretty well everywhere, but I only get 100-150 miles from a rear! Arkansas rocks eat them up quick. I have trashed one in one 80 mile Enduro. I still used it for a practice tire but it was worn and had several knobs missing. And I only get maybe 200-250 from an S12 front. I much prefer the Starcross intermediate Michelin here. I can sometimes get about 350-400 on a light bike and less on a DRZ or any bike over 275lbs.
A little known Trials tire is the Mitas. It has a slightly heavier sidewall and slightly firmer knobs than most other Trials tires, but still works well in all the places that any Trials tire does. It flexes less in hard turns when leaned over and feels a little more like a knobby when brake sliding. The only place it gives up a bit is on wet roots or crossing wet slick trees with no bark, but it is still at least as good in any of those spots any knobby. Mitas rear Trials will last a verrrry long time! I have over 600 miles on one and it is still working well, they don't seem to ever lose knobs like some Trials tires, especially Dunlops. Sharp rocks trash any Trials tire that has too much knob and sidewall flex, rips the knobs off under acceleration and brake sliding.
Most guys around here use some type of IT, various prerferences, or some Desert type tire. Many use Trials on rear but I've never seen anyone use a Trials on front. On my DRZ which is heavy I like any type of front Desert IT tire with tall and fairly large knobs. With the heavier, usually 6 ply sidewalls I get few flats and can go down to 11 lbs of air with heavy tubes. Around here most tires need to be run at least 14 lbs with aggressive riding, front tires I mean. Rears can go from 9-13 depending on the tire and tube combo.
A tire that I never see anyone use is an IRC M5B soft rear. It is almost as good as an S12 and lasts longer. There are few better tires for soft terrain/mud/sand, and it even works ok in other terrain. Decent flat protection too. Scott Summers used various IRCs until Pirelli paid him more to switch.
What I see most guys around here use are Pirellis and Bridgestones, various styles. Quite a few Maxxis also.
For dual sport most seem to use Dunlop 606, although they don't really hook great anywhere, but they aren't terrible anywhere, and they last ok.