I ran a motoz enduro st rear tire last year I really didnt know if it was any good at the time but it lasted me a whole year (about 40 hours I need to ride more) and still has a 1/2 inch of tread, I had no other good tires to compare it to. So I put a s12 on this year to have fresh rubber for a race and the 1/2 worn out motoz has more bite than it especially on rocks and roots, im not buying anymore s12s, im getting an other motoz enduro st if I can, if I cant I will get a mt16, I need more bite on roots. I tried a trials tire too (mt43) and didnt like it theres too many grassy muddy spots where I ride to run one its like a slick on that stuff.
I havent tried a motoz front yet tho. Im likeing the new prielli mx extra X front its based off the 410 soft terrian mx tire its alot better than the kenda millville it replaced. Its totally different than the origanal mx extra (now called extra j) which was a mid hard tire and not near as good in the wet conditions I ride in, there was one of those on my bike when I got it. Pirelli should have named their new tires better... extra X is for soft and extra J is for hard terrian thats kinda dumb imo, people will end up with the wrong tires, the dealer I bought it from didnt even know it was different than the mx extras he sold last year.