Wierd deal


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So the last couple of rides on my 01 300 it has not wanted to clean out close to wot I have rode this bike here for 3 years with no issues at all Pulled carb to verify jets 42 p 170 m 2 turns out on as 7 slide I could have sworn i changed needle years ago to a cck But it had a n1ee in it We are 3500 ft with corrected air close to 6000' lookd thru jetting data base and that is real close Had a spare CEK needle and stuck it in at ctr clip and it seems alot better We are in a horrible drought and way hottter than normal also Any thoughts
i'm thinking the needle that was in there,has been banging around enough to wear down,causing a rich condition. my 01 carb was one of the first anyone had heard of that had worn the jet needle oval and suggested jetting was way to rich across the board. jet the bike to work the way you want, and forget what #s the jets and needles are. once the pwk is a few years old, you have to go freelance/and jet to what the engine wants.
Change the main jet. They wear out over time as does the needle. I would use the same size for testing purposes. good luck.

thanks guys.. with the cek needle it runs great.. i had dropped the main to a 165 but did not like the plug color.. with the cek and the 170 back in the plug looks great.. just wondering why the change..
If it is very hot out, hotter than when you normally ride, the bike is loading up with fuel at the lower rpm range when you are trail riding. When you go to "get on it", the engine tries to burn all of that excess fuel at once. This is when it cannot clean itself out quickly.

The K in CEK is a very rich straight diameter, one step richer than even the stock needle diameter.

If you like the C taper, try going to a CEM, CEN, or even a CEP diameter. The larger diameter should keep it from loading up in the lower throttle range.

I would start with a CEP, 38 pilot, 165 main if you are that high up.
If you like the C taper, try going to a CEM, CEN, or even a CEP diameter. The larger diameter should keep it from loading up in the lower throttle range.

I would start with a CEP, 38 pilot, 165 main if you are that high up.

i would think you would need a richer pilot to compensate for the large straight section cem/cen/cep...
interesting thoughts... i came across a dd_ something needle this week in my stuff also.. i will get the magnifing glass out to make sure what it is also..
hope to get to ride it this weekend and report back..
we had a cool front come thru this week and still broke a high temp record..
103 forcast saturday...
I, too, found out I had an N1EE in my 2000 300 after looking at the bits leftover from the RB Designs Carb Mod. Here, at altitude, the N1EE was mated with a 40 pilot and a 152 (!) main after I put in the original Power Now inserts front and rear. The power was perfect except for being a tad rich on top when "cleaning the bike out" after extended single track riding at altitude (9000+ feet). I never would have guessed at the N1EE as the bike idled well, got great gas mileage, and it had the smoothest off idle response I ever experienced. My bike came from Hattiesburg Cycles and it was from one of their A enduro riders so I think that was where the needle came from...One last note, don't worry about your jetting if it is correct/safe for you and your bike...Just accept that someday a situation will change how it runs and my guess is the heat (air density) and possibly fuel (specific gravity) contributed to your problem. On those days you need to figure it out and do something...Which, from all indications, you did!

thanks Eric..

when i got this bike, i bought it from a local shop.. it was in 08, and it is an 01 that still had tits on the oe michelins... it was brand new..

pulled the carb, it had a 38 pilot and 155 main, i think.. Les at ltr told me that was oe jettd in that year.. ordered the lt jet kit, but was not crazy about the needle, and put the oe back in.. I could have sworn i had changed the needle in this bike years ago, but at that same time i had a 2000 250 my kid was riding that was a rocket ship.. i think that was the needle i changed..

My 01 has ran great, just like yours, with the n1ee.. idles great, great low end response, great fuel mileage, since i got back in 08...