Clay, could you talk to your people and have them drop the Euro to something around $1.23?
If the concern is that there are too many models, then why not add the 48mm zokes to the standard EC, up the price the necessary amount, and drop the race model. Based on what I see the front end is the only glaring difference between the two. Don't want to lose the bling factor of the 6-Days models
I love threads like thisclay must almost loose his mind every year with all the varying opinions on what "the masses" want. It's strange to here about the high price of the gassers compared to ktms in the states with the bling factor. Up here in Canada you get way more for your money with a gas gas. A sixdays 300 is 1000 bucks cheaper than a base 300xc ktm. I'll go with a gas gas any day. In the last 3 years up here in our group alone we've had 4 gas gas converts who came from another brand because of there great parts list sweet motor and a hell of a deal compared to a ktm! Hard to please everyone but I think I get great value for my money with these bikes
Will the base model be coming with the new 48mm Marzocchi forks? PLEASE tell me yes as it's time for the 45's to go IMHO. 48's, Ohlin shock and no e-start is a good base model. Suspension is king.
While I love the Six Day bikes dearly everything is available somehow/someway to duplicate it if you really want to. Just takes time, effort and money.
So a Race model gets you what exactly? 48's and Ohlins for sure but with stiffer springs/valving? Perhaps the Race model should get the TTX shock and not just the Nambotin/Cervante Replicas. Me thinks this would be a good idea, especially considering no spares kit now.
Are the Replicas coming and how many of each? Just curious.
But then what will we all argue about?![]()
You gettin' a '12 too? I agree with Clay, give me a basic motorcycle at the best possible price with good components and let me decide how to set it up and spend on bling. I for sure will change a bunch of stuff anyway, like a 48t sprocket that is useless. One man's bling fills another man's OEM spares box on the shelf.
Good point. I remember a discussion we had at KTM. There was a room full of sales guys who wanted US type closed end hand guards. We all agreed on that. What we couldn't agree on is what type. Some wanted the Enduro Engineering straight type and some wanted the Cycra type with the dip in them. Since 13 sales guys couldn't agree, we decided not to ask the factory for any of those and let the customer add what he wanted. What one guy thinks is a great choice is a stupid choice in another person's opinion. That means the money spent on the accessories is wasted for half of the customers. An OEM tries to hit a mid point and let the customer add what HE wants.
Will the base model be coming with the new 48mm Marzocchi forks? PLEASE tell me yes as it's time for the 45's to go IMHO. 48's, Ohlin shock and no e-start is a good base model. Suspension is king.