So sorry for the delay but things with covid and work don't go well.
So after I fixed my starter a friend of mine with a 300 gp 2018 brought the bike to my shop and asked me to fix it also for him.
He brought me a carton full of spare parts slightly used as nothing he had tried in the past gave him the solution.
I first ordered the newer cables from rieju (all 3 of them) as I saw from mine that the old vs the new I had taken where way bigger.
I also ordered the two pinion gears and the small axle that goes into one of them and the new bendix cover. I didn't take the bendix as he already had two of them with one of them being in very good condition.
I kept the stock stator cover even though it wasn't in great shape and the original starter unit.
1) fitted the newer cables.
2) Put new bearings to the 2 pinion gears and press the axle to the one with a tiny bit of permatex steel weld to the grooved area of the axle so that it can stick better with the gear when all the assembly is tighten by the screw in the back.
3) Heating and inserting the axle with the first pinion gear into the cover and then the second. And here lies the trouble with the pinion gears I have ordered (3 times now) from Rieju. The one that has the grooves the starter goes in (all 3) is not the same as the original I have from both bikes. When you put the bearing and you put it into the cover as soon as it goes in place and you secure it with the circlip, it binds and doesn't move at all (in all three samples). As soon as you remove the circlip and back it up a little it's ok and you can rotate the combination with your finger. If now you add the bendix an the bendix cover with the bearings you can still move the whole system with one finger and that's what I wanted to achieve.
So I took the pinion the starter goes on out ( which is the one that's different in all occasions) and put it back to back with the original and saw that the area the bearing shits in is different in height. So I took the gear to a friend with a machine shop and asked him to cut some area from the back of the gear to match the old one.
In my bike which I had bought everything new ( and the stator cover) the first cut attempt (0.25 of a mm) was enough to get the job done and YES my system worked and still works even with the stock starter motor.
In my friends bike I though I had the solution ready and went straight away for the 0.25 cut but went I put it into the cover I still had the binding. So off again and by the look of it I want it another 0.10 of a mm to sort it out but again I wasn't ready. That made me thing that maybe the older stator cover are not the same as the newer from rieju. Anyway a third cut and I was game on. Put it everything back in place and I could rotate the whole mechanism by my finger with minimal effort.
Placed it on the bike and it fires up like nothing ever happened.
I want to add something up in this stage. My bike has the wet mod and I believe it works with less noise and it's always lubricated. On my friends bike he wanted to keep it as it was. We both have skyrich lion battery of 270 cca
but for some reason his battery which had stayed on a self for about 2 years doesn't want to play nicely and gives that clunking noise half the times you press the button when cold but it was just the battery.
We run the stock starters both and when the temperature is below 10 celsious both the battery and the starter don't like the first button.
I have already order from ebay the ktm starter units to reverse polarity because before I fried the arrowhead I had bought, I used it before I get the system to work as I liked and it worked way better. The new rieju unit also does the job but is way more expensive.
I hope I gave you a possible solution to your problem.
For me has worked both times now but truth be told it costed way to much money in parts and time.
I believe the problem lies in tolerances and poor design and the fact that riejus come and work ( or at least I hope they work and keep working) is due to many complains about this and the attention they gave to this.
As for gassers I believe they were assembled by chance because I have already pinpoint few more things that I shouldn't have come across because I never did with no gasser before and they are things that haven't changed (theoretically).
So after I fixed my starter a friend of mine with a 300 gp 2018 brought the bike to my shop and asked me to fix it also for him.
He brought me a carton full of spare parts slightly used as nothing he had tried in the past gave him the solution.
I first ordered the newer cables from rieju (all 3 of them) as I saw from mine that the old vs the new I had taken where way bigger.
I also ordered the two pinion gears and the small axle that goes into one of them and the new bendix cover. I didn't take the bendix as he already had two of them with one of them being in very good condition.
I kept the stock stator cover even though it wasn't in great shape and the original starter unit.
1) fitted the newer cables.
2) Put new bearings to the 2 pinion gears and press the axle to the one with a tiny bit of permatex steel weld to the grooved area of the axle so that it can stick better with the gear when all the assembly is tighten by the screw in the back.
3) Heating and inserting the axle with the first pinion gear into the cover and then the second. And here lies the trouble with the pinion gears I have ordered (3 times now) from Rieju. The one that has the grooves the starter goes in (all 3) is not the same as the original I have from both bikes. When you put the bearing and you put it into the cover as soon as it goes in place and you secure it with the circlip, it binds and doesn't move at all (in all three samples). As soon as you remove the circlip and back it up a little it's ok and you can rotate the combination with your finger. If now you add the bendix an the bendix cover with the bearings you can still move the whole system with one finger and that's what I wanted to achieve.
So I took the pinion the starter goes on out ( which is the one that's different in all occasions) and put it back to back with the original and saw that the area the bearing shits in is different in height. So I took the gear to a friend with a machine shop and asked him to cut some area from the back of the gear to match the old one.
In my bike which I had bought everything new ( and the stator cover) the first cut attempt (0.25 of a mm) was enough to get the job done and YES my system worked and still works even with the stock starter motor.
In my friends bike I though I had the solution ready and went straight away for the 0.25 cut but went I put it into the cover I still had the binding. So off again and by the look of it I want it another 0.10 of a mm to sort it out but again I wasn't ready. That made me thing that maybe the older stator cover are not the same as the newer from rieju. Anyway a third cut and I was game on. Put it everything back in place and I could rotate the whole mechanism by my finger with minimal effort.
Placed it on the bike and it fires up like nothing ever happened.
I want to add something up in this stage. My bike has the wet mod and I believe it works with less noise and it's always lubricated. On my friends bike he wanted to keep it as it was. We both have skyrich lion battery of 270 cca
but for some reason his battery which had stayed on a self for about 2 years doesn't want to play nicely and gives that clunking noise half the times you press the button when cold but it was just the battery.
We run the stock starters both and when the temperature is below 10 celsious both the battery and the starter don't like the first button.
I have already order from ebay the ktm starter units to reverse polarity because before I fried the arrowhead I had bought, I used it before I get the system to work as I liked and it worked way better. The new rieju unit also does the job but is way more expensive.
I hope I gave you a possible solution to your problem.
For me has worked both times now but truth be told it costed way to much money in parts and time.
I believe the problem lies in tolerances and poor design and the fact that riejus come and work ( or at least I hope they work and keep working) is due to many complains about this and the attention they gave to this.
As for gassers I believe they were assembled by chance because I have already pinpoint few more things that I shouldn't have come across because I never did with no gasser before and they are things that haven't changed (theoretically).