Broken Clavical

That's great news for sure. You must be a bit nervous about it now.

Glen, do you have a new x-ray to post so we can see the dirfference from the last one above?
Thanks guys. I did some final tweaks on the bike today and fired it up for a ride around the hood. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BRAKES? Nothing, but I've ridden nothing but a Ducati with dual radial Brembos for a year. I have to recalibrate my braking. Next week I'll go for a mellow ride with my kids, and ramp it up from there. I think the biggest issue now may be overcoming the mental block and fear of crashing, as I never have been sidelined for so long and been told my shoulder is like glass.


I've been telling you for years now to come out and do the Rattlesnake enduro. Its not especially difficult, and the trails are great and don't get beat up. Not as many rocks as eastern PA. Have you put the SM wheels on that pumpkin yet? Last week, Craig and I rode from my house to Lake Placid, NY and back, 700 miles in 2 days, only a couple exits of northway to bypass some traffic on the way home. It was awesome.
That's great to hear Glenn. I too have benefitted greatly from your posts.

14 months must have felt like an eternity, but at least you had a most suitable stand-in with that Hyper.
Didnt get the sumo wheels on yet,, I'm heading over to Matto's to order up the last of the stuff this week to mount them up.. Been feeling off the last couple weeks and had trouble even holding onto the wheel of the jeep.. Hopefully this will pass and return to the normal level of pain which is tolerable.. I just was not in the shape the other weekend for a ride that far,, but soon I hope.. I was hoping to be up to shooting over to your place on it before now.. If I get the old bike up and running I might try out the rattlesnake.. the little 250 will feel tiny after taking the 625 thru the rocks in nesky(yes the V-grove)..

What happened? Did you do that Smokin' Hole ride and push it too hard?

You know I never thought I'd say it but the GG just felt alien to me after not being on it for so long, and used to the Ducati. Funny what your mind does. It felt slow, soft, and raked out, weird! The Hyper is a very forward, aggressive, stiff bike and has big thrust when you twist the loud handle.

I have a new neighbor with a KX250 who is going to show me a place in PA off Rt#84 that is supposed to be good, with no legal hassles. Enough easy stuff for the kids and tight trails as well so he says. Supposodly even cool to camp there. We'll see Sunday.
let me know how that works out,, 84 isnt that bad a ride for me.. if camping is good I'd be up for that too.. We are looking at a pop up to tow behind the jeep.. It wasnt the smoking hole,, I just pushed too hard at work and these cold rainy days are starting to really get to me.. I need the warmth of summer!
Hey buddy glad you got cleared to ride. I know it has been a really tough year dealing with the surgeries and all but you made it thru. Dr. Mark is the man! Just get back out there and take it slow at first. Then wick it up as your confidence builds. Glad we were able to help you out. Plus it is always good to put a face to a name.

Hopefully next time I see you you will not be showing me those hairy legs of yours and in the hospital clothing.:p

Send some of that cooler weather down here please!:D

I'm glad you're ok now. It would be cool to see the final x-rays if you have them. The body is such a marvelous piece of machinery. We tend to take things for granted and when it doesn't work... you miss out on the little things in life.

I was off my GasGas for about 7 weeks due to a foot injury (strained the tendons/muscles on left foot). The doctor gave me a green light to ride and last weekend was the first ride. Wow, did things feel weird... but in a good way. :) I was definitely out-of-shape, because now I have been sore muscle-wise for several days.

Stay healthy!
Yeah Dr. Mark is the man, especially for clavicle surgery. He has done over 200 now! I'm just regretting not going there first, would have been a couple months instead of over a year. Lesson learned.

I think what I have to do is experience an average fall, like what happens all the time, and not have my shoulder fall apart. Once I'm confident of that, I will start going fast again.

I don't like seeing myself in those hospital gowns anymore than you do. The only thing worse than putting one on yourself is waking up with one on not knowing how it happened.:eek:

Hey the weather here sucks too, been like Les's neighborhood in WA state lately. Rained for over a week, 50 and fog this morning. What happens next is instant summer and 90s with humidity. Woods can be like a steam room then, but we deal with it. I live on a nice private lake so we can just roll up the driveway and dive in after a 50 mile ride. I usually draw the line at the occasional triple digit temps though. Had heat exhaustion once 12 years ago, saw the little stars while kicking a hot, stalled 4-stroke. Then we go out on my brother's boat on a big lake about 20 min. north. 21 ft Maria, Chevy Vortec V6, wakeboard tower, etc. Fast!