Broken Clavical


Active member
I hate starting new posts here.:mad:

Crashed on a rocky downhill Sunday making a pass on another rider. Didn't see the flat rock that caused me to loose the front end. Went down HARD on my right side. I could hear things crack. After I got my breath back and the shock subsided, I could feel the big gap and lump in my collar bone. Got out, home, and to the ER which was useless. Saw the ortho today. Broken in 4 places wirh a big gap in one of them. I can't beleive I'm not having surgery.:eek: Doc says no big deal it will heal OK, not worth the risk. Hope he's right. I'm in a clavical strap for a few weeks. He said I should be functional in 6 weeks but no high stress for 6 months. Season is DONE.:mad:
Let me know when your cleared to lift 12oz. I'll head over your way for a couple cold ones! Are you able to work? or are you out too?
He said I can drive and work if I can stand it. Hell, I drove to the ER, doc, and was going to try and ride the bike out when I was stopped. I'm known for riding out my injuries.:eek:

Steve, I can't move my right arm past my chest, or tie my shoes, but I can drink left handed no problem!:D
Sad news Glenn. Sorry to hear.
I am at my most comfortable on rocky downhills. That's the only time I really hang it out there and I've made some memorable passes in those conditions. I've also had some of my hardest crashes there, too, much to the enjoyment of the guy I passed, I'm sure. :D It's often a long fall with a nasty landing. The tuck-and-roll is tough to do in rocks.
Heal up good.
The stupid thing is I didn't have to pass, it was a trial ride. The trail was open and fast, not technical, but with low ebbedded rocks. I was probably going 35+. I was on my way back to my buddy from the pits with parts to fix a broken throttle cable on his KTM. I got impatient with the guy in front of me who wouldn't move, dogged him close, so close I did not see the large flat rock when I dove inside on a sweeper. I was down before I had a chance to think, almost took the guy with me. Like you I live in this stuff, it was just a mistake on my part.:(
Man that stinks:mad: season hasn't really even gotten going and to have that happen.:(

I would go over to KTM Talk or Thumper talk and ask Dr. Mark about your injury and see what he advises. He may want you to post X-rays but he's all about getting riders back in the game quickly and I wouldn't be surprised if he advised a different plan of attack. The guy is the balls really and if I had a season ending injury I would consider flying to Texas for is services. His clinic picks up part of the tab for travel and lodging expenses even.

Skidad in MA
Man that sucks Glenn!
Broke mine as a teenager on a BMX bike. I remember it being a very painful bone to break.
Take it easy, and I hope it heals up fast for you.

That sucks, sucks, sucks! Heal fast and try to keep sane. Perhaps you could be the photographer for your buddies for the summer or the pit crew or better yet pamper your wife/gf all summer and build up a healthy bank of riding passes.

Paul B

Sorry to hear that...I feel your pain....same thing happended to me several years back.

Take care
Thanks guys.

I'm a little concerned about the non-surgical approach. Doing some research apparantly its not the eaisiest ortho surgery as there are a lot of blood vessels in the area and a lot of docs don't want to risk it. If its not healing in two weeks I'll seek another doc who is confident, but actually it feels pretty stable already, not much clicking/popping and I can raise my hand to eat and type normally now. There is definately a gap though and I can feel the edge of the bone from my neck side.

The best I can hope for this year is to heal enough to do some street riding. Season ends early here, fall leaves are deep, hide the rocks and spell trouble.
If you can still feel a gap and its lumpy already without any healing (calcium buildup) lumps yet, get another opinion real soon. I've broken mine twice. First in hi school sports and it healed up fine and straight, next time on a bike and I got cocky and started riding 2 wks later and didn't keep the bra on for long as it was stinking hot that summer. Nice lump there now and lots of clicking in the shoulder area. Most breaks I've seen on other guys that were not a simple clean break were plated.
Bummer about the broken collar bone Glen. I broke mine about 15 years ago and it never healed properly. It doesn't hurt, or bother me in anyway except my right shoulder is always lower in photos. I was racing 3 weeks after the crash, so I suggest staying off the bike if you want to heal properly.
Yes I've read that thread. The shoulder is even and there is no visible lump, I can just feel the edge of the bone when following it with my finger. When the XRay was shot I could feel it moving a lot so perhaps it was worse than now with the sling, thats what the doc thinks. Anyway, I'll give it two weeks. From reading, seems like if it doesn't start to heal fast initially, its not going to heal right.
Good luck to a full and speedy recovery.

Now, I know a wanabe GG owner who would be glad to exercise yor bike in some New England rocks for a few months:)

Skidad in MA
Thanks, and I bet you would. As soon as I can spin wrenches again it will get a top end and RBD head mod. As soon as I can ride a street bike, I'll be getting a Ducati Hypermotard. Thats about all the riding I can hope for for awhile.