broken clavicle


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Ok. I parted way from my GasGas on Sept 13th. I was on a dual-sport motorcycle ride up in NH and crashed big time. The crash happened in a remote area and was taken out of the woods in a jeep to a truck and then loaded onto some 6 wheeler. That then took me to where the helicopter had landed. Then I flew to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. I don't remember the scenic helicopter ride. Bummer. I'm not really sure how I crashed and no one witnessed it. I was in the hospital for two days. I can barely remember the hospital or the two weeks after the accident. I'm pissed that they cut off my jersey, bike pants and my armor. I already deep 6'ed the helmet and goggles. My subframe on my bike is a little tweaked. I have been out of work since the 12th of Sept and I can't drive. The reason I can't ride/drive is not the broken has to do with my brain injury. I can't hit my head again for some time. Trust me...I don't want to do that again. It sucks being home all day. Remember boys and girls to wear ALL your equipment. If I hadn't, I would have been an organ donor. Thanks Jimmy and John for staying with me the whole time. Angelo and Dave for getting ever thing home and for hiding the bike...LOL. To the fire department and EMTs that helped my out of there. Thank you to all that have stopped in to see me. I'm happy to be alive and to hold my family.

Now the update. I am starting to feel somewhat better. My head wound is just about healed. My brain injury will take quite a bit longer, months, I've been told. My broken collarbone is starting to come together, I think. I have a bump where the break is, but I am told by several doctors that this is 'normal' and it will heal. I don't like it. Still feel like I am one step back from what is going on, but am told that is normal too. I can't go back to work until at least Nov. 5 when I have a follow up appointment with the neurosurgeon who at that point may clear me to go back to work. I have started OT but find it to slow for me but I have to stick with it.

Here's a few pics.

Taken in the ER
Here's a few pics.

Taken in the ER

I have a newer clavicle x-ray coming soon. I can tell you it doesn't look like this anymore. Grrr...



A faster ride then the bike.
I'll PM you my cell#, I learned too much about this the last year and a half to type.
i had a nice getoff on a street bike in may this year - broken clavicle and surprising brain after effects from the hit - i developed positional vertigo - which thank god was only temporary, but 3 months of vertigo was enough...

get well soon.........and take it easy..
I'll PM you my cell#, I learned too much about this the last year and a half to type.

Thanks for the info. We are looking into it. I personal think I'll be taking a ride to Houston soon. Again. Thanks!
Hope everything works out OK for you.
Dirt riders are a great group of people, as you can tell by your buddy's quick reactions to your situation.

Boomhauer and myself will give you the Texas welcome if/when you come to Houston, like we did GMP.:D
If it needs to be fixed, its a very wise move.



The first XRays don't look bad like Dr. Mark said on TT, but if you have a sharp lump now something must be causing it. What counts is what its like now. The clavicle is a PIA as it is always under some tension and just about impossible to keep in place. The parts of mine moved all over before it was plated and I'm sure in some positions looked better than others. Maybe you will get lucky, mine looked a lot worse, like it exploded.

Boomer and gasgasman are great people, it was great knowing someone in town and having them help me out. If you fly down and stay across from the clinic, all you ned to do is get a cab from the airport to the hotel, and hotel to the hospital. There is a shuttle from the hotel to the medical building where the clinic is located.
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Hope everything works out OK for you.
Dirt riders are a great group of people, as you can tell by your buddy's quick reactions to your situation.

Boomhauer and myself will give you the Texas welcome if/when you come to Houston, like we did GMP.:D

Thanks guys! It means a lot to me!
If it needs to be fixed, its a very wise move.



The first XRays don't look bad like Dr. Mark said on TT, but if you have a sharp lump now something must be causing it. What counts is what its like now. The clavicle is a PIA as it is always under some tension and just about impossible to keep in place. The parts of mine moved all over before it was plated and I'm sure in some positions looked better than others. Maybe you will get lucky, mine looked a lot worse, like it exploded.

Boomer and gasgasman are great people, it was great knowing someone in town and having them help me out. If you fly down and stay across from the clinic, all you ned to do is get a cab from the airport to the hotel, and hotel to the hospital. There is a shuttle from the hotel to the medical building where the clinic is located.

I have the X-rays from the 21st coming by the end of the week. I'll post those when I get them. I can tell you it doesn't look like that anymore. The ends of the two bones are pushed up more in the middle. They meet but I have this wonderful bump. I'm not sure if this goes down or not. Maybe the broken rib is causing me.

Thanks you all for the info. It means a lot.

I got the newest X-ray! This was taken on Sept 21st.


To me this doesn't look good but then again I ride a dirt bike. LOL
Ok Steve that's looking pretty darn ugly now to my untrained eye. MUCH different than the original x-ray you showed me in the hospital (top left pic) which looked really good at the time. IMHO that need surgery. When is the next x-ray going to be taken?

I also have to give kudos to the on-site medical attention you received. Considering the slightly remote area they had arrived in force from all over by the time I got there. Very impressive. After I rode the next small loop trail section the chopper had just landed as well. To bad you don't remember that!
Ok Steve that's looking pretty darn ugly now to my untrained eye. MUCH different than the original x-ray you showed me in the hospital (top left pic) which looked really good at the time. IMHO that need surgery. When is the next x-ray going to be taken?

Tell me about it!

The next X-ray is Nov 5th and I think that is crazy!

I called my PCP and I'm looking for a referral. They are getting back to me.

Here's the real kick. There was a radiology report with the X-ray it says " Unexpected Finding: Left mid clavicular fracture now displaced and angulated significantly."

What does that tell you? Tells me it should not be like this...
You have to remember something, to a lot of these docs, the old school non-surgical approach is acceptable, even for severe cases (like mine) because thats the way they were taught, its not their shoulder, and they are not riders . There are reports of studies in medical journals now that conclude plating is the prefered treatment for displaced fractures. Plating clavicles is relatively new, and the Ti clavicle specific hardware is very new(they started with stainless steel pelvic repair plates that had to be bent to shape), so unless the doc is on top of his continuing education and experience, you get old school. A lot of these guys have no business marketing "Sports Medicine" because all they do is discourage you from risky activities and make no extra effort to get you back in the game the way you were. The bread and butter of these guys seems to be in replacing trashed hips and knees in old people, common, accepted procedures insurance pays for, and the patients are almost certainly to be happy with compared to what they had.
Boy Steve, that looks painful! What are the Doc's waiting around for? From what GMP stated, Ti plating makes sense to me. I wish U a full recovery man. Sorry U have to go thru all of this.
I got my answer from Dr. Mark. He said to come down and visit him next week.

Now to find out if I can get ready...
Well, I'm still working on getting to Texas. My PCP wants me to see a specialist and let them refer me to TX. I guess it has better weight if it is done like that. Got me. I do have full motion of my shoulder. OT is a little shocked I can move it that much. Same here.

I got a nice bill from the Woodsville ambulance service. Over 500 bucks! I tried to submitting it but that was a no go. I guess I would rather pay for this then the Helicopter ride. I wonder if I can deduct the riding equipment they cut off me... :mad:
That sucks Steve. Referals are a PIA. I never had a doc that was eager to give a referal, I'm glad my insurance does not require them. Good luck. Yeah, ambulance rides can be pricey. My little adventure in PA when I got impaled cost me a lot more than that for a ride to the hospital. The thought of paying for a chopper ride motivated me to ride most of the way out.

Some real expensive bills are for low level flights of diving accident victims requiring re-compression treatment.
I would have road out if I was with it. :rolleyes:

I found out that the coding was wrong on the paper that was sent to the insurance. Now I need to get the ambulance service to re-send the correct code. Insurance said they would cover it but I think I still have a deductible of $500. I also found out what the bill for the helicopter "ride" was. Try $13,800! Thank God for insurance!

My wife just told me the hospital bill was over $32K WOW!

32K+14K+500=$46,500 And that doesn't cover the OT and my PCP visits which is around $120 and growing. All for a still screwed up collarbone...this sucks!
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So where to begin… I saw the “specialist” and he said that because of the amount of time that has past, he would not do surgery. The X-ray’s he says show that the bones are starting to come together and that’s why he would not to do it. He said I had an 80% chance of everything coming out all right. Umm...what about the other 20%? He said surgery would require a bone graft and that takes longer to heal. I then asked him what he would do if it was his kid. He said nothing…now. I pushed the issue and he said he would like to see me in 4-6 weeks. Great…the run around begins again. Time wasting away…

