Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery


New member
Well guys after a very frustrating 2 years with a very numb right hand 3 minutes into riding every time, I finally went to the doctor and it was found out that I have Carpal Tunnel. Dr. Mark Sanders the same doc that just repaired our very own GMP will be doing both of my hands this Wednesday. I am very lucky that his office is only 2 miles away from my job. And the hospital in which he is doing the surgery is only 8 miles from my house.

This doctor really cares about his patients and will keep you rolling with laughter days after you have seen him. Right Glenn?:D

Have any of you had this surgery before and what kind of time frame did it take you to get back on the bike & compete? He is doing the Endoscopic (SP) surgery and says I will be back on the bike in 3 weeks. My first race is scheduled for February 22. This is a national enduro and gasgasman & myself are going to it.

Good luck on the surgery.
Let use know how it turns out. I have been putting up with CTS in my right hand for a couple years now also and was thinking about getting it done this summer.
Skidad thanks for the link. Mine is so bad that when I get on the bike to trail ride 3 minutes later my hand is completely numb and stays that way for a few days. Ask gasgasman! I get very pissed off because it is slowing me down and hurt's like a mother!!!!

That guy had the old school surgery. The doc says he might not even put stitches in. I have talked to several friends that ride and all of them say their hands only go numb when they give the bars a death grip. But as soon as they shake their hands out they are fine for the rest of the race/ride.

Like I said mine staynumb the whole race/ride and even 3 days or more after the ride.

I really noticed CTS over the new year holiday. I rode on Wednesday really easy pulling down arrows from our last enduro. Then on Thursday I tried to ride and my hands were in a lot of pain. The right one is the worst but the left does go numb just not as bad. At first the doc was only going to do the right hand. After talking to him weboth decided to do both at one time to save me a trip to the hospital & some $$$$$.

Dr. Mark is truly a great doc. He answers e-mails, PM's, phone calls 24/7 plus his specialty is MX injuries.

Man Boomer tha't about the worst case I've ever heard of. Really hoping the surgery turns out great for you and yes Dr. Mark is awesome. I've followed him over on the other site and if I really need something done right I know where I'm headed. The surgery sounds cool and 3 weeks back on the bike, wow. Snap some pics of the procedure:eek: Keep us posted.
I am going to try to get my wife to come into the OR with me and snap photo's.:eek: Not sure if she has the stomach for it though.:D

Thanks Guys!

Good luck buddy, I'll call you Wendsdsay night or Thursday to see how things went.

Dr. Marks assistant in the clinic, Robert, has done some videos in the OR and in the clinic. There is a video of a clavicle fix with bone graft on his site and a link to it on TT (its quite graphic, I understand why the leg hurt:eek: ). He was going to shoot a video of me doing the PT the day after but it was getting late so I declined. Anyway, maybe he can make you a star in the OR!

Yeah, the doc is a real character, some real shock humor there. I immediately identify as I'm a wise a$$ NY/NJ guy myself. :p Great skills, and also the smarts to market them. He's not the typical ortho surgeon that has a waiting room full of seniors for hip replacements, he is a true sports trauma guy that understands his patients needs, and, if you don't need work he will tell you that too. Also, like Robby said, the guy will talk to you 24/7 on his personal cell, try that with another doc! Its eaiser to get in touch with him than with my wife on a typical day!

What was the cause for your CTS? I can't imagine the numbness and duration that you experience, wow!

Good luck with the surgery and recovery.
Good luck with the surgery.
Call me if you need anything.

Looking at those step-by-step photos, I could have saved you a bunch of cash.:eek:
I can fillet a fish with the best of 'em.

What was the cause for your CTS? I can't imagine the numbness and duration that you experience, wow!

Good luck with the surgery and recovery.

Matt to tell you the truth we really never talked about past issues that could have caused it.

I broke my right hand in a "Friendly" fist fight back in middle school and then rode bulls thru high school with some small injuries there. From what I have read they say it comes from what you do with your hands on a daily basis. For me I have always worked with my hands. I have worked for Coca Cola for 11 years on the production line so grabbing six 2 liter bottles off of the line numerous times a day has more than likely caused some of my issues.

Some of the "At Home" tests you can do yourself have not really proven anything. But the one test he did in his office where he popped his fingers across the median nerve really hurt and he said without a doubt that I had CTS.

My surgery is scheduled for 6:00 A.M. Wednesday. My nerves have been getting the better part of me today as I am not sure what to expect. The good thing is that they told me they are going to knock me out completely. Most of the research has said that it is done by a local. I guess because I am doing both at once it is better to go completely under.

I have been fighting this issue since I got back into riding dirt bikes 4 years ago. Ask Girard. Every time we ride I struggle with my hands going numb and not regaining feeling for a day or two or longer. I have done everything possible to the bike with no relief. Hopefully this will cure it and I can once again enjoy riding my bike all day long with the exception of the monkey butt my seat gives me.:eek:

I have promised myself that I am wearing all of my Gas Gas swag in & out of the hospital. I have given my wife instructions to take pictures of me before and after so I can support our brand even at the hospital. :D

Girard I love you like a brother but there is no way in hell that I am going to let you try your fillet knife skills on my hands!:p

Thanks for the well wishes.
Girard I love you like a brother but there is no way in hell that I am going to let you try your fillet knife skills on my hands!:p

Aw come on........
I'm more skeerd that you will be faster than me in the woods. Time for me to step up my "A" game.
Hopefully this will cure it and I can once again enjoy riding my bike all day long with the exception of the monkey butt my seat gives me.

Maybe that willl be the next innovation, "Monky Butt Releif Surgery". :D


The real test will be rocks. Despite knowing its right to relax, people tend to tense up in rocks and hold on for their life because of all the small (and sometimes big) deflections and the generally disconnected feel to the bike compared to good dirt/traction. If you can take a rock beating for hours your cured!
Well I just got home! I am still a bit high from the drugs though.

Doc said he found some severe nerve damage in the right hand but other than thatit went well.

I will post more later!

Awesome! Here's to a speedy revovery and back to riding soon.

Oh those pics...I think I would want to be knocked out as well. Don't think I could take watching that thing being shoved throught my hand.
I forgot this... When I asked for a different color air cast this is what they gave me.:D

c'mon guys have a sense of humor here!


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The only thing I remember was them putting the IV on my right foot and then taking me into the OR. The lady behind me said I made you up a very special dose. Next thing I know I am waking up in recovery. They asked me if I was feeling any pain and i told them yes. They put something into my IV and the pain went away.

Doc came buy and said everything went smooth. He did not cut into my palm. He only made a small cut on each wrist and did the job thru that incision.

He asked me if I wipe with my palm and the nurse behind him just shook her head.:D Beside him being a wise A$$ he is truly a great doctor in my opinion. He really cares about his patients.

My hands are wrapped up completely and then in the morning he wants me to pull them off. I have already started doing some PT with the hands and the wife bought me a few thing to help this process out. Thanks Claddo for the info on the powerball. Girard was able to point me to a store here locally that stocks them. This is going to be hard to get my hands in shape for the Cherokee National Enduro so I must stay focused and give the PT my best.
