Bike year & model = 2011 EC300E fitted with 36mm x 39mm oval bore modified Keihin PWK ASII carb and reed block spacer and fitted with modified head (squish - 1.28mm, compression ratio - 12.7:1)
Temperature (degC) = 25 degC,
50%? humidity
Elevation (feet) = 3000f, or 1000m -1400m
Main jet = 170
Pilot jet = 38
Needle & notch =JD Blue #3
Air screw setting = 1.75 turns out
Throttle valve/slide = 6.5 notched
This was my first run using the oval bore carb. I went 1 step richer on the main however left my 'preferred' JD Blue jetting the same apart from that.
All I can say is wow, the carb has really woken the motor up, it has even more torque off the bottom now, and I found myself lugging 1 gear higher most of the day, even attempting and most of the time making steep 1st gear hills in 2nd. This is with 13/48 gearing. It refused to stall and I rarely had to use/abuse the clutch at all.
I feel this jetting is rich throughout and may be slightly on the rich side at WOT. From off idle the bike pulled hard regardless of gear, it became doughy through the mid but still pulled harder then it ever has before and then went ballistic through the top end. It had to wind itself up though it wasn't crisp and I found just snapping the throttle open from low revs wouldn't bring it into band or loft the front.
I took a spare 1.5l of fuel with me today, glad I did. I used 10.6l in 80k's

Bearing in mind I was at 1200m asl most of the day so it would have been running rich anyway with my old settings. I'll try leaning off the main to a 168 and then play with the clip position to fine tune. Hopefully that will get me back into decent economy territory.