PivotPegz / PowerPegz


New member
These are the pivoting footrests http://www.pivotpegz.net/

I have both makes. The only significant difference is the PowerPegz don't have a return to middle spring. I like both of them with a slight preference for the spring loaded PivotPegz. I find they really are more comfortable but friends have tried my bike and hated it. Not sure if there is an aclimatising period required. I find they not only increase comfort and security of footing but make operating gear lever and brake easier. They are both well made of stainless steel so should last well. They also allow you to drop the footrest height a little, very helpful for us tall guys.

This one is down to taste I think.
I agree it is likely a matter of taste. Personally I really like my Pivot Pegz with the return to 0° spring feature. They are of the highest quality and have stayed sharp with virtually no wear in 1 year. When others ride my bike they do not even notice them. The trick is to exploit them in my opinion - you have to think out how they pivot while you ride to experience the optimized riding benefit.

Rear breaking while standing is notably improved with better feel
Weighting the outside peg in flat corners is more natural and you can more easily push the tires into the turn with a more comfortable leg angle
The Pivot Pegz act like a added suspension (ankle movement) in a series of small wash board type whoops
Boot sole wear "appears" to be decreased
I don't miss shift or have noticed any bad traits
No slop has developed and the sealed 'O' rings (although small and a bit fragile) seem to work good.
Loctite needed as I have had the nut loosen
Very, very, strong (especially compared to a stock GG) and better crash protection potential
A bit pricey, the other competitor has no return to zero spring

*** So all that said - The Yamaha YZ peg is a GG retrofit - yes?
I put the Pivot Pegz on my MC and the right side needs to be modified.
They only fold up a 1/2 inch and jamb up against the brake lever.
When you fall, the foot peg will snap the brake lever in half.

I will cut the inner part off the peg to make it work. The section I'm removing will not affect the structural integrity of the peg.

I had a pair of powerpegs. When I first had them I was very impressed I liked the movement over whoops etc. What I was'nt impressed with was the way that they sheared off whilst landing from an 80' double. Thankfully I survived . I now have a set of fastway pegs as I have zero confidence in anything pivoting under my feet .Shame though as I liked the feeling!
Picked up some pivot pegs a week ago. Cool. Really cool. I only have 1 ride on them and it was mostly two-track powerline roads, but I have already felt a difference. Easier to keep my feet on the pegs and way better feel for the rear brake and shifter.
I have power pegs (would have got pivot pegz but i found these cheep on ebay) and I like them, take a bit to get used to but I think the good. I also had Pivot pegz on my KTM the return spring broke quite quickly (turning them in to power pegz effectively). I also like the way you can turn the bushing around to lower the peg, helpfull when you have legs as long as mine.:)
Apparently the springs on the Pivot Pegs are useless - one of my springs doesn't work and I can't tell the difference. I do love these pegs though.:)
The spring is only there to return the peg to a neutral position after you take your foot off.
Not sure, I've had both and I think I prefure it with the spring, my foot seems to find the peg easyer. But then if the spring keep braking, whats the point.
The spring kit is about £12GBP sonot too expencive.
They had some early on problems with spring breakage. New springs are now improved and less prone to breakage. Just an FYI.

Anyone interested in a group buy to get a lower price?
Do they help getting a new/taller toe box boot under the shifter? Seems like they should.

pivotpegs magic? maybe not! but close!! with the longer shifter its even better! have most of the goodies on my bike the pivotpegz are my favorite love them!!!
Pivot pegs are awesome. I miss less shifts with the pivot pegs, have an easier time braking and don't slip on them as much as the stock pegs. Money well spent.
Skidad wrote:
Anyone interested in a group buy to get a lower price?
I would be interested in a set. On line I see a price listed
as $149 +$10 shipping.
If you could beat that by 20% or so. Count me in.

I am also waiting to see if anyone fits the new FMF Q-stealth
to one of the older bikes.
A group buy on one of those would get my attention.
Thanks. Jeff So. Cal.