Some good points made here.
They are dirt bikes and I've always been impressed how well they handle the environment we ride them in. Overall very resilliant. Periodic maintenance of a dirtbike is a big job, and takes time.. Washing, cleaning, lubricating, checking tolerances, replacing air filters, tyres (and setting pressures), bearings, bushings... the list goes on. These aren't an issue to me. They are what they are and part of ownership.
But then you have nuiances beyond the normal. These can happen anywhere, any bike, etc. But just take more effort than the later, both in time, thought and dollars.
Could be karma Matt.. But I'll be at work all weekend while you're all out riding.
Looking at the positive side, I have some more information to work with re the stator and reg, and Trail tech have provided me with the info to hard reset the unit (and reprogram the fixed data) - I agreed not to make publically available for obvious reasons.
/end rant
PS. I'll go give my bike a cuddle and a kiss tonight and remind her I still loves her.
PPS. Better take some glow sticks and the strobe, pump some doof too!