Bought myself a project =S
A month ago I bought this 2001 EC250, my first dirt bike at the tender age of 46...
I was told it has a 300 top end that only has 10 hours on it. No idea how to tell though.
Sadly, I still haven't been able to ride it beyond a few of essentially failed tests, but I'm determined to get it running right. ...I hate being beaten by technology!
Fingers crossed for the new jet block gasket and reed petals being the solution ...when they arrive. I've already fixed a ton of stupid little stuff, and there's still a little more of that to do (like a new bottom left radiator hose that isn't installed rubbing against a bolt head on the engine resulting in a very thin section of rubber). I don't think the previous owner(s) could have ridden it seriously any time recently, they certainly didn't do any maintenance. ...I didn't know brake fluid could be black!
I'm guessing (hoping?) it was left outside for a few years and that explains all the water that was inside the ignition cover (the gasket was missing a section at the top, so rain water
could have got in. I could see the tide mark inside, it had been there for a while. I'm hoping the inside of the engine isn't all rusted to crap, ...however more a little more water did come out when I removed the little bolt in the bottom of the engine to see what was in there. ...and I still don't know what that bolt's purpose is; draining water?
It's not looking quite a good as
Looney Tuned's 2002

, but hopefully it'll be fun.
very excited to get it running, it'll be just in time to ride it in the snow.
...oh, and if anyone has the correct manuals for the 2001 I would
LOVE to get a copy! I only managed to find a badly scanned copy for 2002 from I'm hoping I can find out what forks mine has so I can get some new seals for them, and maybe some instructions on how to rebuild them. ...I've never done forks before.