Today I went about installing the replacement metering rod. It came in a small baggy and was labelled R.080. The bag had some lengths written on it for 36mm and 38mm which were to be starting points.
Initially the length of the new rod was a bit longer. I have a picture I may upload later. The old rod also showed some wear at the top where it rides in a spring within the slide. This was a bit concerning considering I only have a handful of rides on it. Not sure what will happen in the long term.
I also had a real mind bong when I decided to test the fit of the D washer and rod into the slide without the rest of the assembly. What happened was that the D washer was allowed to drop down lower than normal and somehow it managed to bind itself into the slide, so I was stuck with a new rod in the slide. I must have lost 2 hours trying to work out how to remove it without damaging the slide, the rod, or the D washer assembly. A few panic messages to Corey which he'll find in his inbox.. Sorry Corey

..In the end I let frustration get the best of me and gave the rod a firm whack against the bench hoping that the rod wouldn't bend. It popped out, and game was back on. The small E clip that holds the rod (similar to keihin needle clip but twice as small) got sacrificed in the process. I ended up using a Keihin clip and hope it doesn't cause any issues.
I left the Keihin clip on the metering rod. It seems to lock in much firmer on the rod and doesn't rotate around. As long as the gap is indexed aganist the flat side of the D washer it drops in, and appears to work well.
I also found the cause for the soft clicks and trouble I was having feeling them. The grub screw had backed out and wasn't making very much contact against the clicker. It also warped the small flat washer that sits between it and the circlip. I set the grub screw to where it has good feel on the clicker and its much easier to work with now. I wish I could have straightened out the small washer on top some more, but it seems to work fine the way it is.
I went to measure up the length from the top of the slide to the bottom of the metering rod as per the baggy, and hit the next hurdle. Even at the very shortest length possible I was reading above the recommendation. More stress and frustration and thoughts about if I had been given the wrong needle hit me. I decided I would still try it, after all what did I have to lose? I started tuning with the MR at 10 clicks out from fully rich, which didn't align with what was written on the packet even closely. Needless to say the bike started and was extremely rich and breaking up everywhere, even on a cold engine with the off choke. I kept leaning it about 10 clicks at a time until the bike became ridable and then went to work fine tuning. I'm still not sure where I am at click wise, or length wise. It would have to be well over 60 clicks.
The good news is that this metering rod is much more what I expected. I have a much cleaner bottom end, without the lack of torque, an exposive mid range transition, and what seems to be pleanty of over rev however I haven't wound it right out yet.
Now I can say I'm impressed. I just need to get it out for a day in the bush to be sure its not too lean in the midrange. Off the bottom I can easily take off in 2nd gear from a stand still up a hill without it having the flat feeling it had previously, and at 1/8th throttle its lost the excessive blubbering. Its got that nice grunty bottom end that will easily loft the wheel when off the pipe that I had become acustomed too. Welcome back! It was really hard to get a feel for the midrange due to the rain we've been having. On the road it was very snappy and lofty! In the mud and grass it just broke traction.
Power curve wise it feels like the engine is doing what its meant to do. I run the ignition in the advanced map, and have minimal tension on the pv governor so it opens hard and fast. I also have a race ported cylinder which favours top end, slightly timed to give a bit more mid than all out peak.
I'm really looking forward to getting some seat time in the bush! Excited much! FINALLY!!