The Lectron - Review (vs SmartCarb)

Jakobi..I was running an 38mm AS2 178 main, 42 pilot and a n3cw needle, stock squish, about 70 hrs on the bike.. That was the jetting I had settled on after much messing about.. Bike ran strong, had a pretty big hit in the mid range and was okay on the bottom, but just ok.. Maybe on the lean side...The air screw really didn't do much and I was never happy with the idle.. Either to high or to low.. So far I'm very happy with the Lectron, there is more everywhere, the engine just runs way better. Still I will richen a bit as it seems a bit lean on the bottom.
I read of an idea to add a tee and a small valve to the PJ line for draining the carb, sounds like an interesting idea but I'm thinking that the diameter of that line needs to be constant as who knows what will happen if there are pressure/flow changes in that stream..
I've a couple ideas on how to solve the loose fitting throttle cable so I can keep the stock one..If it pans out I'll post my results..
Looking forward to hearing more about your APT testing....
Good info! Great to have the comparison. Would also be great if you let us know which Lectron Rod you settle on, the length from the slide to the end, and the amount of turns out from closed on the power jet. Obviously after you get it dialled in properly too. I found the biggest gain from the PWK to the Lectron was that it filled in the void under half throttle and really smoothed out the transition.
Just a quick note. I went back to the beginning of this thread to check out a couple of settings and noticed that the throttle cable adjuster that came on Jocobi's Lectron is different than the one that came on mine. I wonder if that's why he's had some water issues and I haven't?

I also installed the Lectron throttle cable today and it fits great, but I haven't rode with it yet.
Whats yours look like ST? They do have a variety of adjusters which just thread into the cap.

I've been dealing with a few more issues on the Smart Carb. The slide spring was binding and grabbing in the lower throttle openings. It wasn't doing this initially. Today I pulled the slide and spec'd up my current settings. I also removed the clicker adjuster and reapplied teflon tape to that (which I have also done to the choke plunger since last ride). After a couple attempts I managed to get the spring to stop binding again. It seems its very particular regarding how its positioned. I also take special notice when installing (even in the PWK) not to twist the spring. The APT one is just really fussy.

I had planned to remove the metering rod to get the part number off it, but my circlip pliers didn't fit so I gave up on that plan for today. I did however measure my current length (from slide base to tip of rod) at 48.78mm. This equated to 28 clicks out from fully seated. A bit different to what others have reported.

Ando, where did you end up?
I don't know what the significant differences are, but mine came with the two piece silver one that allows threaded cables to screw into it once the cable seat for nonthreaded cables has been removed. I believe it is the adjuster that is normally sent along with Lectron's cables. For some reason mine came with it from the factory.
74 Clicks From Full Rich

Whats yours look like ST? They do have a variety of adjusters which just thread into the cap.

I've been dealing with a few more issues on the Smart Carb. The slide spring was binding and grabbing in the lower throttle openings. It wasn't doing this initially. Today I pulled the slide and spec'd up my current settings. I also removed the clicker adjuster and reapplied teflon tape to that (which I have also done to the choke plunger since last ride). After a couple attempts I managed to get the spring to stop binding again. It seems its very particular regarding how its positioned. I also take special notice when installing (even in the PWK) not to twist the spring. The APT one is just really fussy.

I had planned to remove the metering rod to get the part number off it, but my circlip pliers didn't fit so I gave up on that plan for today. I did however measure my current length (from slide base to tip of rod) at 48.78mm. This equated to 28 clicks out from fully seated. A bit different to what others have reported.

Ando, where did you end up?

-I ended up 74 clicks from full rich.
-I can feel my spring moving around. I can hear/feel it interacting with the inside of the carb, especially at initial throttle opening. I've never had any binding issues of any kind though.
-The overall length measurement that I was given by Corey (and that others use and refer to) is from the TOP of the slide to the tip of the rod. Sorry, I can't find the measurement that I started with and I haven't measured it since I adjusted it to the sweet spot.
Thanks Ando.

When I say binding I don't mean totally locking up but a definite notch in the lower throttle openings where there is the sound of the spring, and you can feel it catch up a bit and then release. Indexing the spring and relaxing it it will work well, but it seems after a decent loop it works its way into a bad position and starts grabbing again.

I've got 160kms of riding on it now and still not happy. Corey is sending out a replacement metering rod. Said same profile as the current (which I'm still not sure what it is). Hopefully I'll get a chance to play in the days ahead, and ride it properly again before the weekend.
I had a play again this afternoon. The bike was very very burbly and smokey and almost had me thinking I had done a rhs main seal. Any time lugging a gear high it would start to load up and smoke. Any small throttle openings and the bike would burble quite a lot. Even riding down the road looking back over my shoulder when giving a burst of throttle you could see the smoke. I went 2 clicks leaner which cleaned it quite well. Only a slight burble off idle, and a much more spirited midrange and top end. Mono madness. The speedo recorded a better max rpm than it did previously. All good signs. But as before it still comes at an expense. A lean hole just off idle, just noticable when cracking the throttle open fast, but more noticable in that it lacks torque and requires more clutch work when riding just off idle. It does respond quite well to the clutch though, although it does feel like it could bring back the squawk. The hestitation doesn't seem to be as bad as it was initially so maybe it is breaking in some more. I've put nearly 200kms on the carb now. I'll put another 100-160kms on it friday.
I never updated after the ride. I rode 100kms I think (speedo reset itself at one point). I added another litre from the backpack early in the ride too, but never hit reserve on the 9.5L tank. She ran well at the leaner settings, but still acts up at times. Sometimes it'll feel rich, other times it'll feel leanish and slightly hang idle.. With the clicker 2 leaner from previous there was a hugely noticable lack in torque, a slight burble just off idle, and a lean hole just after. The bike was very crisp in the mid and top, but did require a bit more clutching to bring it alive. Gear selection was also much more critical. Granted some of the trails were well steep, and much like goat tracks, the bike wouldn't pull 2nd where it would on the PWK/Lectron. Shifting back to 1st it ran quite well and very smooth. Maybe I just need to change my riding style? I could probably live with it like this, however would prefer not to have the lean hole at 1/4 throttle.

I'm going to keep it like this (or maybe go one click richer) until the replacement rod arrives.
Haven't had a chance to get out for a ride since. Lifes been keeping me a bit busy. Still haven't seen any replacement metering rods, but when I get one I'll drop it in and take it for a run.
My Lectron was 90% when I got it, ran great and was better than any standard carb for me on my bike. I have a semi odd bike in that it is a 165 (kit) 2 stroke. In my jetting research small bore bikes with huge 36-38mm carbs like slightly different jetting and I could feel that in my much loved but not perfect Lectron. So I went about working with Lectron and came up with a metering rod that was perfect for me and my bike. Really just a variation on one of there existing metering rods after testing many. Its funny how you can get several different metering rods to work fine but all have different power characteristics. Anyway I came up with settings that got me that last 5%-10% I felt was left on the table. Several other small bore brothers are now using this rod and like it too. Seems to be something to the settings I searched out. Anyway I am an endless tweaker / tinkerer and can never leave suspension, jetting or ergonomics alone. Adjusting stuff at every stop on a ride kinda dude. Since dialing my Lectron in that last hair I don't even look at my carb anymore other than to find the choke if it is cold out. Starts super EZ, idles perfect, pulls everywhere with no glitches and has worked perfect from 50-8400 feet and 28-85 degrees. Could not ask for more. Had several of these carbs on several bikes for many months and had a lot of time to experience them. I am sold on the concept. For me. For my bike. For my riding.

You can read my feelings on the APT here on more so on Cafehusky if you have not and care to. I'm not going to comment on it here because people seem to get real upset EZ about it I'll just say my use of one of their early carbs was eye opening to the point I wanted in on this metering rod thing and started me down this path. I knew for me jetted carbs were a thing of the past.

Full disclosure I sell Lectron carbs and parts (as well as many other things not Lectron) So take my opinion with that in mind.
I'm not for sure if you know it or not, but I was one of the first, if not the first, to buy a Lectron carb from you for a GG (Dec. 2012). I actually called Lectron myself and talked to Kevin, but I told him I wanted to go through you since you had already provided so much information.

BTW, a friend rode my bike Sunday and commented on how smooth my bike felt compared to other two strokes. He loved the motor.

I'm not for sure if you know it or not, but I was one of the first, if not the first, to buy a Lectron carb from you for a GG (Dec. 2012). I actually called Lectron myself and talked to Kevin, but I told him I wanted to go through you since you had already provided so much information.

BTW, a friend rode my bike Sunday and commented on how smooth my bike felt compared to other two strokes. He loved the motor.


Yes, I remember. Glad you are liking it and appreciate the support. thanks.
Why is it taking so long to get Jake the metering rod? Come on! I know we're not the only show in town here at but let's get this figured out already!
Why is it taking so long to get Jake the metering rod? Come on! I know we're not the only show in town here at but let's get this figured out already!

Just to clarify- I believe Jake is waiting on the SC metering rod, I believe he has the Lectron sorted.....
Motosportz is referring to the Lectron in his description
Yes to the above. I do believe Keven from Lectron sent TSP (or whomever that is Jakobi was working through one of my customer rods to try for the fun of it.
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As above,

I'm in Australia so postage times can be up to a month depending on the method used, customs workload, and other unforseen delays. I'm not going to turn my hair grey stressing over it all.

Dave from TSP (Two Stroke Performance) had given me a Lectron for testing purposes, and so far I have only ever used the stock needle and got to the 90% content stage, and got there quite quickly. I still have possession of the Lectron however its not in my bike. Dave and Kevin are continuing to work together to refine things even more and I will install the Lectron with one of Kellys (Motosportz) taper profiles once they arrive. Again its postage from States to the bottom of Aus, and then to the top of Aus. Daves got a load of work on his plate and I'm sure my playing isn't his top priority so no use turning his hairs grey either.

While I wait on that I have got the 38mm Billet SC installed and have put a couple hundred kms on it, but haven't had time to get out for a ride in the last 2 weeks (and haven't been to the post office in a week either). When the replacement metering rod arrives I'll install it and then fine tune on the next ride (within the next 4 days hopefullly). When I'm happy with it and when the Lectron needles get here I'll do a swap and then send the SC to TSP where Dave will do some back to back Dyno runs (Smart Carb vs Lectron, and maybe even vs 36mm PWK). This will likely be on a Husaberg TE250, although if they make a day of it I might be able to get a mate to take his 2012 EC300 around.

Sorry things are moving a bit slowly at the moment. Lifes just been a bit hectic.
I also know from dealing with JD EFI tuners the fuel you guys have is far different than ours and maybe the air too. The JD EFI tuners i sold to some dudes in Australia flat did not work right because of the difference in fuel and air. I say this as I think some of your tuning struggles might be because these were not developed in your country and fuel. thanks for the update.