The RickyD Lectron Experience

I had some mountain bike repairs to do and V-ball practice so I finally got to it an hour ago.

The first problem is the "long" Motion Pro throttle cable. It is 4.5 inches shorter than my stock GG cable. Also, the GG cable has that nice curve at the carb junction whereas the Motion Pro is straight.
Here is the condemning evidence...

Stock Gasser throttle cable is about 42.5 inches (when including the curve around the elbow).

The new Motion Pro cable is about 37 inches.


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yep, I had the same experience. When I installed mine, I ended up using my spare Venhill cable wich is a tad longer than my OEM.

To be able to use the Keihin type cable, I made a new adjuster for the Domino throttle. My new adjuster lets the cable end go deep into the throttle housing instead of ending up outside the housing.

This is nescessary as the Lectron has a longer reach from the top of the carb to the slide. The other option is, as has been discussed here previously, to cut off some of the outer shielding of the cable. I feel that my solution is a better one, as I can continue using stock cables and don't need to modify a cable every time I need a new one.
Just for giggles, I hooked the Lectron up to the Gasser's stock cable and throttle assembly.

Once the throttle pulley was screwed in, the slide was half way up.

I don't feel like hacking up the GG cable.

What is the proper length (and model number) for the Motion Pro cable I need?
It's just past midnight here in Phoenix... :o

I installed the Lectron on the bike. Nobody told me I would have to tilt the shock back to make room for the beast.

Anyway, I left the GG cable in the carb routed as normal behind the number plate. Of course, it reaches, but with not enough slack. Note the elbow that just barely clears the tank.

The *only* way the Motion Pro cable would work is if I routed it KTM-style, on the rider-side of the bars and tucked in underneath the shroud. Maybe I'll buy one of those KTM throttle cable holder thingies. I don't know how the straight cable will function stuffed betwixt the carb and tank. Kinkage?

Okay. So, now what.... (?)


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You guys need to call Kevin about the cable because mine came with a bend and fit perfect. They must have sent you the wrong one.

Yes, you are right. But since I am living at the other side of the pond (Norway), shipping cables back and forth is just too slow and expensive to be worth while. Hence I solved it locally.
Fun times Rick. I had the same issues with cable fitment. I used a motion pro long GG cable. Pulled the end cap back on the cable, dremelled off some of the other shield, and pressed the end cap back on. A bit of a pain but not so bad. You could always contact Motion Pro yourself for a custom cable? or as you're considering, rerouting.

Luckily, that was the hardest part of the Lectron experience. After that it was all smooth sailing, swapping between a slightly rich and slightly lean condition.
Kevin called me this morning. Looks like he sent me a KTM cable. He is sending another out.

He said that the elbow-equipped cable is a 90-degree bend the GG cable is about 45-degrees and conforms nicely to the notch in the tank, perhaps a little tight for my liking.

Kevin is going to mod the cable by making the bendy part about 0.25" shorter. I think he is going to make a 45-ish degree bend as well.
I think its the wrong cable. For a KTM. Too short and no elbow.

KTM cables work on GasGas. Both bikes use the Domino throttle assembly.
I have the the exact cable per the link above on my 2012 300 (with the Lectron) and it does not have an elbow. It has a slight bend at the tank but no issues with mine. Your 2011 tank must be a lot closer to the carb then my 2012.

Also make sure that once you have your nice new Lectron installed that is is rotated at the right angle so that the rear spring does not hit it.....on mine if one was not paying attention to this it would not be good.
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The new elbow cable (and free adjuster nublet) arrived yesterday evening.

I was torn between getting the Lectron all fitted or taking advantage of the almost sub-100F evening temps for a mountainbike ride. We've been riding at 7pm every Wednesday with the temps still hovering close to 110F. I decided to pedal for 16-miles of trail and road.

I'll get at it this evening.
Alrighty. Having recovered from yesterday's 100-degree night mountain bike ride, I set to bolt the bike back together tonight.

Since I was promised a bolt-on, ready-to-go carb, I decided to *not* read the directions and just bolt it on and kick.

I took the new elbowie throttle cable out of the package and found it to be really freakin' long. It came with a threaded cap nut thingy (invoice said it was custom for the GG) that was maybe 1mm longer than the one already in the Lectron. Not knowing why, I dutifully swapped them out. I hooked it all up with the the carb and threaded it through to the throttle. Perfect, much to my surprise.

The Lectron's fuel inlet is at a different angle, so the fuel line wouldn't reach quite far enough for a secure clamping. So, I took the fuel line off my old GG tank and put it together (with double springs, even). A little long right now, but it would do for the evening's short test.

Once together, I took the bike off the stand and turned on the petcock. The fuel filled the clear bowl and stopped between the level lines, as if by magic. As I rolled the bike off into the dark driveway it occurred to me that I had recently replaced my headlight with the Honda racing number plate. This would be an interesting ride by dim street light should the Lectron decide to let the Gasser fire up.

I pulled the semi-remote choke knob and gave it a couple of pre-kicks (that's what I would do with the Keihin, anyway -- couldn't hurt). Then I kicked in earnest a couple times. Nada. I wondered what would happen if I cracked the throttle a bit? Vroom. Heh. It was running. I turned the idle screw in a quarter turn to keep it from stalling.

I let it warm up for a scant minute and decided to roll before someone called the cops. Not much of a test, but off-idle was fine -- the metering rod, at 49mm, must be pretty close to where it is supposed to be.

I putt-putted around the neighborhood with several throttle blips for giggles and then took it out to the main street to see how it ran on top. I ran it through the gears and noted some open-throttle sputter at WOT. With the second pass there was less. Kind of like when I was one main jet too rich in Flagstaff. Actually, not that bad. I'll work on adjusting the Power Jet later (like, maybe after I read the directions).

I re-entered the neighborhood and into my garage. I hopped off the bike with the motor running happily and looked behind me. No smoke. Hmmmm.

And with that, I hit the kill switch and headed inside. More tuning talk later.


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