New member
Well to get this story started off correctly I will go back to how it came to be. Back in December a few of us from our club (Trail Riders Of Houston) went to the Last Man Standing race. While walking around in the pits we heard some guy from Canada had last years LMS race on DVD so we went to try and find them. We started talking to the guy that does all of Marty's videos and he gives us one copy of the 2006 last man standing race and one that is tiltled "Erzburgh Eh" LOL I will tell you that you guys need to buy these videos. They are excellent and have better coverage than most videos I have seen!
While chating with the DVD guy we meet Marty "The Party" Halmazna. From the first time of meeting him we were all very impressed with him. He talked like a normal human being unlike most racers of his stature except with a funny accent! LOL (I am sure he thought the same thing about our Texas accents!)
He did not make the night round of the race so we chatted with him at the finish line while awaiting sir Taddy and Geoff Aaron. Once again he was not shy or stuck up to talk to, and was an absolute "Hoot" to chat with. Man does he have some great stories!
After we all made it back to Houston we had a meeting of the minds to try and figure out who we could have as a guest speaker for our clubs Family Enduro Banquet. We all thought about it for a few days and I told our club president Capt. Jack that maybe we should try and get that guy Halmazna from the LMS race to be our guest speaker. So Capt. Jack got his e-mail address and contacted "The Party" Halmazna. Marty agreed so all we had to do was work out the logistics for him to make it to Houston. Which we did. In one of Marty's e-mails he stated "Ride in Texas with no pressure" heck yeah count me in he said.
I got Marty's e-mail address from Capt. Jack and sent him an e-mail stating that I had just started on an enduro course for the 1st Texas State enduro and would love for him to run thru some of my test sections to see what he thought and that he needed to ride a GasGas while he was here. Boy was he excited!
Capt. Jack called me last Friday to say that he had just dropped Marty off at his hotel and that they had just had a few beers at the local Hooters establishment. Man was I excited that he had made his way from the freezing artics of Canada to Texas. What an honor it was to have him here! Please keep in mind that Marty took a a vacation day from his normal job to come to Houston and support our club.
Friday evening rolled around and me and the wife made our way to the banquet. We chatted with Marty and all of us in the club really enjoyed his story telling! He handed all of the awards out to us and shook our hands.
Our plan was to have him ride on our clubs property and run some of my test sections to see how many points he would drop thru them. We were also suppose to start riding at 9:00AM sharp. Well that did not happen. It seems that our own Capt. Jack and a few others left after the banquet and tried to ut drink our Canadian friend. From the looks on Capt. Jacks face the next day and his lack of talking it seems he did not win the drinking contest against the fellow Canadian Marty "The Party" Halmazna! LOL
If you ever meet him ask him about the scar on his neck! It is a truly amazing story. So is the story on how he got his nickname "The Party"!
The story is that they were asked to leave another one of our fine local establishments after the "Last Call" and Marty did not make it back to his hotel until 5:00AM. Now keep in mind we were suppose to start riding at 9:00AM that same day. Well they were a bit late to say the least! LOL
Marty geared up and I led him and a few others for a few short miles. He and one of our clubs local fast guys Duggan broke away from me. Duggan is also they guy that loaned Marty his ride for the 07 KTM 300. From the point of them breaking away from me I would just find short cuts to where they were and point them down some of my new trail. It was an absolute rush to see Marty in action up close. After about 20 miles I led him over to the "Not So Ok Corral" this is a little test section that involves some really tight trees and then a run thru an old cattle corral. Which he did with ease. I have the pictures to proove it! LOL
From there I led him over to "Oh Shit" In Houston since we have no elevation changes this is a major obstacle for most of our clubs riders. Marty went down, and then back up, and then back down, and then back up some of the more vertical ledges that were in the same area. All of us were in complete awww of his mad riding skills. Capt. Jack just kept saying "Crazy Shit" what can he not climb up? LOL
We headed back to camp to eat lunch. Once we were done we took him back over to "Oh Shit" and from that point on he put on one heck of a show for us. I have a few pictures and even a small video clip of him and his mad skills! After that he finished riding the 20 mile of trail that we will use in the enduro. He managed to pass our clubs very own AA rider in some tight trees twice.
When we got back to camp Marty rode Girard's MC 250 and I do not think Girard ever thought that his bike could go that fast, that close to the ground! Marty was flat tracking Girard's bike in 6th gear WFO! We wnt to dinner that night with Marty. You could tell he was tired but he still had plenty of stories to tell. The next day we planned to take him to see the Ocean and to eat some fresh seafood before his departure. He enjoyed the meal and the view and we enjoyed his company.
Well like most things... all great things must come to an end. We left Marty with Duggan so he could get Marty to the Airport. As Capt. Jack and I drove to go get my truck we had a very great conversation about Marty. This past weekend was by far the funnest time I have had since living in Houston. And I think all of us would agree on that.
Marty is by far a class act guy who represents our sport very, very, well! Somebody in the Gas Gas industry needs to pick Marty up and give him a factory ride. Yes he is that good! As we departed that day I think a few of us that got to spend any time with Marty this weekend were sad. He is a stand up guy! Over the years I have met many of the pro racers and they were all stuck on themselves and wanted nothing to do with us normal folks. Marty was not this way at all. He was offering riding tips, bike set up, work out regiments, etc. He represented Canada very well. He said he was going to come back in the future with some of his crazy Canuck friends so they could all school us on how to be a proper "Hooligan"! This past weekend many of us found a new friend.
Marty if you read this thanks for coming down and spending time with us goofy Texans! We really enjoyed it and look forward to you making your way back down here in the near future with all of your "Hoser" friends eh! We will also work your pit's if you ever compete in any events in Texas!
P.S. I will post my pictures & video up here in a few.
While chating with the DVD guy we meet Marty "The Party" Halmazna. From the first time of meeting him we were all very impressed with him. He talked like a normal human being unlike most racers of his stature except with a funny accent! LOL (I am sure he thought the same thing about our Texas accents!)
He did not make the night round of the race so we chatted with him at the finish line while awaiting sir Taddy and Geoff Aaron. Once again he was not shy or stuck up to talk to, and was an absolute "Hoot" to chat with. Man does he have some great stories!
After we all made it back to Houston we had a meeting of the minds to try and figure out who we could have as a guest speaker for our clubs Family Enduro Banquet. We all thought about it for a few days and I told our club president Capt. Jack that maybe we should try and get that guy Halmazna from the LMS race to be our guest speaker. So Capt. Jack got his e-mail address and contacted "The Party" Halmazna. Marty agreed so all we had to do was work out the logistics for him to make it to Houston. Which we did. In one of Marty's e-mails he stated "Ride in Texas with no pressure" heck yeah count me in he said.
I got Marty's e-mail address from Capt. Jack and sent him an e-mail stating that I had just started on an enduro course for the 1st Texas State enduro and would love for him to run thru some of my test sections to see what he thought and that he needed to ride a GasGas while he was here. Boy was he excited!
Capt. Jack called me last Friday to say that he had just dropped Marty off at his hotel and that they had just had a few beers at the local Hooters establishment. Man was I excited that he had made his way from the freezing artics of Canada to Texas. What an honor it was to have him here! Please keep in mind that Marty took a a vacation day from his normal job to come to Houston and support our club.
Friday evening rolled around and me and the wife made our way to the banquet. We chatted with Marty and all of us in the club really enjoyed his story telling! He handed all of the awards out to us and shook our hands.
Our plan was to have him ride on our clubs property and run some of my test sections to see how many points he would drop thru them. We were also suppose to start riding at 9:00AM sharp. Well that did not happen. It seems that our own Capt. Jack and a few others left after the banquet and tried to ut drink our Canadian friend. From the looks on Capt. Jacks face the next day and his lack of talking it seems he did not win the drinking contest against the fellow Canadian Marty "The Party" Halmazna! LOL
If you ever meet him ask him about the scar on his neck! It is a truly amazing story. So is the story on how he got his nickname "The Party"!
The story is that they were asked to leave another one of our fine local establishments after the "Last Call" and Marty did not make it back to his hotel until 5:00AM. Now keep in mind we were suppose to start riding at 9:00AM that same day. Well they were a bit late to say the least! LOL
Marty geared up and I led him and a few others for a few short miles. He and one of our clubs local fast guys Duggan broke away from me. Duggan is also they guy that loaned Marty his ride for the 07 KTM 300. From the point of them breaking away from me I would just find short cuts to where they were and point them down some of my new trail. It was an absolute rush to see Marty in action up close. After about 20 miles I led him over to the "Not So Ok Corral" this is a little test section that involves some really tight trees and then a run thru an old cattle corral. Which he did with ease. I have the pictures to proove it! LOL
From there I led him over to "Oh Shit" In Houston since we have no elevation changes this is a major obstacle for most of our clubs riders. Marty went down, and then back up, and then back down, and then back up some of the more vertical ledges that were in the same area. All of us were in complete awww of his mad riding skills. Capt. Jack just kept saying "Crazy Shit" what can he not climb up? LOL
We headed back to camp to eat lunch. Once we were done we took him back over to "Oh Shit" and from that point on he put on one heck of a show for us. I have a few pictures and even a small video clip of him and his mad skills! After that he finished riding the 20 mile of trail that we will use in the enduro. He managed to pass our clubs very own AA rider in some tight trees twice.
When we got back to camp Marty rode Girard's MC 250 and I do not think Girard ever thought that his bike could go that fast, that close to the ground! Marty was flat tracking Girard's bike in 6th gear WFO! We wnt to dinner that night with Marty. You could tell he was tired but he still had plenty of stories to tell. The next day we planned to take him to see the Ocean and to eat some fresh seafood before his departure. He enjoyed the meal and the view and we enjoyed his company.
Well like most things... all great things must come to an end. We left Marty with Duggan so he could get Marty to the Airport. As Capt. Jack and I drove to go get my truck we had a very great conversation about Marty. This past weekend was by far the funnest time I have had since living in Houston. And I think all of us would agree on that.
Marty is by far a class act guy who represents our sport very, very, well! Somebody in the Gas Gas industry needs to pick Marty up and give him a factory ride. Yes he is that good! As we departed that day I think a few of us that got to spend any time with Marty this weekend were sad. He is a stand up guy! Over the years I have met many of the pro racers and they were all stuck on themselves and wanted nothing to do with us normal folks. Marty was not this way at all. He was offering riding tips, bike set up, work out regiments, etc. He represented Canada very well. He said he was going to come back in the future with some of his crazy Canuck friends so they could all school us on how to be a proper "Hooligan"! This past weekend many of us found a new friend.
Marty if you read this thanks for coming down and spending time with us goofy Texans! We really enjoyed it and look forward to you making your way back down here in the near future with all of your "Hoser" friends eh! We will also work your pit's if you ever compete in any events in Texas!

P.S. I will post my pictures & video up here in a few.