Current Jetting AS2 40 NEDW#2 175
My 250 is all but jetted to perfection with a smooth pull from bottom to top and nothing more than a brrrr on decel. I'm having a few hiccups with hard starting at times, which I think may be related to the float level. It feels like starting it cold it works better if I let the bowl run down before putting it away, and then starting it with it half empty. Also experiencing some hard starting after laying it over when sampling soil. I'll check the float heights when I pull the shock for a revalve. N_green, what float height did you settle on with yours?
Suspension is broken in well.
Forks are 90% there, but still a high speed spike on sharp edges at speed. I'll be addressing with the MV either through a bit more float or a little less damping. Still deciding. Base valve feels pretty good and the clickers are sitting right around the middle of the range for what I ride, offers better bottoming resistance, and the action through just about everything is great. So much so that I'm not sure if I even really feel the need to go up a spring rate. I think I will and then reduce 25-50cc of oil and let the spring assist mid stroke, and have the air spring come in later to control bottoming. May help with the spike as well (at 350ml currently).
Shock is still on the stock spring and running way too much preload. Pretty happy with the high speed damping (LS comp fully open, rebound 16 out), but the excess preload is causing initial harshness. I need to go up a spring rate and then revalve to address the rest. I'm not sure which direction to go with the valving. Have a few thoughts in mind, but need to do some testing. The crosstalk between the rebound adjuster is the tricky bit.
Other than that the bikes getting smashed up. 50hrs now, and have just about blown out the lower pipe mount. Have a ktm on hand to replace with. P3 pipe guard shows signs of doing its job on the rhs. Plastics have had to be shimmed in places where excess play from vibrations have been working away at it. The tank shows some wear from rubbing against the seat locating tab on the subframe. This has had some rubber glued to it now. The seat itself was getting sloppy on the tank locator and locating tab on subframe. Also fixed. Two piece rad shrouds are a bit loose on one side where one clip has been snapped. And managed to crack both rhs and lhs brush guard mounts, as well as the lhs lighting block. Seat cover has torn down both sides.
Anyone would think I don't look after it