Handle bar choke


My choke cable holder chewed the threads on the carb. Apparentlly when you pull the lever it pulls the cable sideways where cable enters carb. Spoke to dealer and he said they use the old carb mounted choke. Had to use hi strenght adhesive to bodge fix as I'm out tommorrow 140 + miles

Thanks for the report, I'll check mine.
I hope this isn't common as I really like the handle bar mounted unit.
Mine will join the plastic sprocket cover and a few other things in the junk box.
I had the pleasure of a stuck throttle last night, and upon dis-assembly of the carb I noted that the top of this choke plunger had packed with grit and dirt. Most likely cause of the problem. I will be making the switch to the standard plunger. Also installed in line fuel filter. What do you guys use as a filter for your carb vent lines when moving the upper lines to the air box?