I think some questions need to answered before anyone could offer focused opinions.
But glad you asked...you must plan to to make some improvements.
1) First question I would ask is: what percentage of the U.S. market share do you/GG plan to compete for...now and in the future.
2) How much effort is GG willing to put into improving their staple models.
I only ask because as much as I love my 08 300 their is much I would like to see changed...you must have consumer confidence in the product before you can market anything well.
GG EC's surely has some short comings that really should be addressed and I think we all can offer up suggestions...who better to ask then us who ride, race and work on them.
Great starting package...but needs some refinements
Here's my short list just for starters.
1) suspension, Marz and sachs, as good as they are and could be when revalved the fact is...the internals are mostly a mystery and parts are difficult to find...I'd like to see GG switch to kyb's or showa's
2) fit and finish is lacking in a lot of areas, things like how the shrouds mount to the gas tank, nuts on the back side of bolts...instead of frame mounts. Using too many of those slip-on nuts, sloppy brake lever mount, stronger foot peg mounts, quit using every nut and bolt head size known to man...slim it down to 8,10,12,14,17,19...etc, figure out why the clutch is so squawky when under a load, smooth out the shifting, separate the rear fender from the side panels.
I may be whining or I've had too many Hondas in the past.
Lastly, get the parts availability to more then one vendor...like Bike Bandit and/or motosports outlet.
Nothing against GF but I'd like to see more than one option.
Just my 2 cents worth.