First impression

, the bike is beautiful. I won't have to worry about blending in with all the others. The previous owner bout an Eline carbon pipe guard so I noticed some echo. The jetting seems off quite a bit. It seemed to bog when I would blip the throttle, kinda like a 450 does sometimes. It quickly gets moving though. I notices I was coming up on the trees in the field next door pretty quick. I barely put 10 min on the bike, then I took it home and began to tear it down(crazy huh)
I took the seat, tank, expansion pipe, skid plate, carb, and head off. The first thing I notices is the gas gas doesn't have all the nuts trapped like on a KTM. That's a small disappointment, but hopefully I won't have to work on this one much. When I took the skid plate off, there was some oil that had been sitting between the frame and skid. The pain had started to bubble. I hope I can get that under control, so that is another small negative. I drained the oil and antifreeze so I could take the head off. Piston has a little carbon build up, so did the head, the plug was pretty dark too. I'm guessing its a little rich.
Upon removing the carb, I noticed it had 38 stamped on top. The side said "al1 o Ben"
#7 slide
N1ef needle top notch
175 main
40 pilot
Idle 3/4 out
Those setting seemed a little weird, I have at my disposal a
Chn needle
Nozf needle
Jd red needle
All jets sized I could want
I also took the pv covers off. I noticed the pv was very easy to move. The left hand side looked odd. The pv pivot was threaded as if it was supposed to have a nut on it but it didn't have one. It seems to be retained with a small bolt off to the side. Does this sound right? What should I be looking for?
All in all I'm very happy with the purchase. I'm going to send the head to rb designs as soon as I get a squish reading. I'm probably going to send the carb as well, I only have two weeks until a big race is planned. " the ozark 100 miler". Please lend me you experience. Thanks.