Favorite Pre-Mix Oil

Amsoil Dominator 50:1 for the last couple years. Before that BelRay H1r. Amsoil is cheaper and burns better than the H1r. We ride the desert with a lot of WOT no issues.
amsoil dominator , it burns clean and i drive past the amsoil dealer every day coming home from work , very convenient , about 10 dollars a qt.
We have been using Klotz R50 for about 6 years now. It has an insane film strength. I am amazed how well everything is oil coated upon tear down. Does spooge quite a bit if you are not on the pipe due to high flash point but it provides great protection and smells amazing!
I've been using Maxima Premium 2 since I bought my bike last year. Since then I have run the bike completely out of coolant, burned it down while climbing a steep return road in the top of fifth gear. The bike died. Melted the piston, melted the spark plug turned the o-ring on the head to dust and started melting the head but didn't sieze. Everything still had a sticky film on it upon tear down. So, even though it doesn't smell as good as the other oils, I'm gonna stick with it.
I've been using Maxima Premium 2 since I bought my bike last year. Since then I have run the bike completely out of coolant, burned it down while climbing a steep return road in the top of fifth gear. The bike died. Melted the piston, melted the spark plug turned the o-ring on the head to dust and started melting the head but didn't sieze. Everything still had a sticky film on it upon tear down. So, even though it doesn't smell as good as the other oils, I'm gonna stick with it.

come on - you need a more convincing reason!
come on - you need a more convincing reason!

Haha! You got me. Okay. Real reason. My great grandad used to use it to clean his old hunting rifle. Well, he ran out! So he used some worthless gun oil. Well, he couldn't hit anything after that. He went hungry for a week trying to git some beaver. Nothing! Well, finally he figured, "Must be the oil!" So he picked up another container of trusty Premium 2 from his honest and reliable local Maxima dealer. Well, long story short, after that, he was drowning in beaver!

So what it comes down to is, if you wanna get the beaver, use premium 2.

...and that's good enough for me.
Haha! You got me. Okay. Real reason. My great grandad used to use it to clean his old hunting rifle. Well, he ran out! So he used some worthless gun oil. Well, he couldn't hit anything after that. He went hungry for a week trying to git some beaver. Nothing! Well, finally he figured, "Must be the oil!" So he picked up another container of trusty Premium 2 from his honest and reliable local Maxima dealer. Well, long story short, after that, he was drowning in beaver!

So what it comes down to is, if you wanna get the beaver, use premium 2.

...and that's good enough for me.

Convinced! I like beaver!
As someone who almost never rides "on the pipe," I can tell you that spooge is that black junk that dribbles out the end of your exhaust pipe. haha
I run Castrol TTS. always have. tiny bit of splooge, but otherwise good.

Its cheap, easy to get, and never had any issues.
Since someone revived this thread I am going to post something I have been studying and I found it to be a large part of my jetting problems. Flash Point! You see I had been using Motul 800 since I got my current bike in January. I always had problems after long periods of slow riding with the bike loading up and taking forever to get it to clear out on the main jet. I kept thinking it was jetting and was all over the place. I started studying 2t oils and found that Motul has a flash point of 545* F!! I then looked at Spectro, Amsoil, Motorex, and Maxima. All of them had Flash points ranging from 190 to 215 degrees! So I switched to Amsoil as an experiment and BAM problem solved! You see I think what was happening is at the slow speeds the temps were not high enough to burn off the oil. So it was laying in the crankcase and in the pipe. So when the time came for wide open throttle all the extra oil was getting pulled into the combustion chamber creating an extremely rich condition. The Motul would probably work well on a motocross track or in the desert but in the tight slow stuff with a fat and slow rider on board it just didn't work.

Also funny thing was I was getting little to no spooge and my packing wasn't too bad either. I wonder if this come from the the really high viscosity of the oil making it hard to push it out of the pipe? Or is it caused by the design of the pipe? I have noticed some people say that some pipes create more spooge than others, not sure how that would work?

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Ran belray h1r from new,40:1,jetting close but not perfect.lots of spooge(qstealth muffler)and similar issues to memphis, but at 1st topend piston/bore was in great cond so was loath to change.last time i mixed fuel i tried mobil racing2t,40:1.almost no spooge since but cant comment on wear/protection until next rebuild.the h1r has a very high flashpoint,the mobil has a quite low flashpoint.although the spooge is unsightly and a pita,it does show the h1r oil is probably giving more protection by not burning off.the question is how much protection is enough?
and my jetting is still not quite where i would like it!
ec200 '13 40p 175m nozh #3 winter,#2 summer,slide#6
have tried the nedh suzuki needle,improved off idle,but an ugly patch at 3/8-1/2 has me back on the nozh #3(0-10deg currently,0-500m)
So when the time came for wide open throttle all the extra oil was getting pulled into the combustion chamber creating an extremely rich condition. The Motul would probably work well on a motocross track or in the desert but in the tight slow stuff with a fat and slow rider on board it just didn't work.

Correction, I believe it would actually create a LEAN condition... lots of premix oil means less fuel (gasoline). Less fuel to air ratio is lean. A lean condition typically results in more unburned oil out the exhaust pipe (spooge) because oil has replaced properly metered fuel. That's been my experience anyway! ;)

And Motul does make a great low flashpoint oil for your/our riding style... Motul 710. Flashpoint of 190 degrees F. Been very happy with it since the lightbulb came on for me re: high vs. low flashpoint oil and spooge. Might give it a try if Amsoil isn't available.
Correction, I believe it would actually create a LEAN condition... lots of premix oil means less fuel (gasoline). Less fuel to air ratio is lean. A lean condition typically results in more unburned oil out the exhaust pipe (spooge) because oil has replaced properly metered fuel. That's been my experience anyway! ;)

And Motul does make a great low flashpoint oil for your/our riding style... Motul 710. Flashpoint of 190 degrees F. Been very happy with it since the lightbulb came on for me re: high vs. low flashpoint oil and spooge. Might give it a try if Amsoil isn't available.

Also had good results going from Motul 800 to 710. Couldn't get it one weekend so got some Castrol TTS. Burns clean ,wheels go around & has an easy to identify Dye ("did I put oil in the gas?).I don't suppose you really don't know until you pull a piston.
Me three on the Castrol TTS. I use it at different ratios in the modern gasser, and vintage mx and trials bikes.

As far as flashpoint is concerned the specs have it as 163.4?f which is probably why i don't see much drooble on any of my bikes (drooble=spooge)

I always wanted to use it when i was a kid racing mx as it came in a metal can and looked trick compared to the Super TT i could afford that came in a povvo plastic bottle . Now that I'm all grown up and effluent :D i can splurge on the good stuff
Since 2010 motul 800 used in a proportion of 1.3%. In this period I made 2 piston exchanges, always showed great respect, without any marks and wear of 0.08 mm in 120 hours. Since I started using FMF QSTEALTH, spooge came, nothing exaggerated, but noticeable. Reading about it here at the Forum, decided to test the Motul 710 at the rate of 1.8%. No spooge, less smoke.

I believe I have found the ideal oil, and also costs cheaper.:)